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 Dec 2014 Addie
David Lessard
 Dec 2014 Addie
David Lessard
I won't be there, when you wake,
in my heart, you've drove a stake;
there is no more that I can take,
and so I'm leaving, for My sake.
In your heart, you have grown cold,
it's to another,  you've been "sold";
you are too brazen and too bold,
alas, there's nothing more to hold.
I'm too **** sick, of all your lying,
well past the point, of simply crying;
long way past, the trials of trying,
now, I feel like... it's all dying.
You treated me like worthless trash,
my dreams and goals you've bashed;
you only wanted jewels and cash,
it's no wonder, I feel lashed.
You've broken every cherished vow,
but to your wishes, I'll not bow;
I'm going to up, and leave you now,
and I'll survive, just don't know how.
 Dec 2014 Addie
 Dec 2014 Addie
Everything around me is falling apart,
and I am trying my best to hold it together,
but I only have two hands.
 Dec 2014 Addie
He sat there
on the edge of my bed,
playing with the strings
on his guitar,
stringing me along.

Pulling me closer
with his voice,
beautifully bruised,
carrying me in.

The moonlight complementing
his every note,
every inch of him.

Buried diep.
Lost within a fantasy.
Lost in this room
with a melody,
and a voice
so addictive.

He sat there,
smoke and moonlight,
playing his guitar.
He caught my attention with his scruffy, beautiful voice and his fingers, making magic with a guitar.
 Dec 2014 Addie
Bear Feelings
She's like a field of wildflowers, beautiful, untamed
When the winter comes, I still will love her just the same
Beneath the veil of snow, I know she still remains
Waiting patiently, to be washed clean by spring rains

She's something like the sun, rays of warmth and love are beeming
I'm more like the moon, its hard to shine when I'm not feeding
Off of the light extending out, when it hits I have no doubt
I could live this life alone, but will not live this life without,
My wildflower
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