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 Feb 2016 JAM
john p green
 Feb 2016 JAM
john p green
Good writes
Neither wrong nor right
Seep to seize reaction
 Feb 2016 JAM
Star Gazer
 Feb 2016 JAM
Star Gazer
Does heartbreak bring any tidings?
The way your ears echo from the goodbyes
The chest pain and tears it brings
And reminders that "I'm ok" as coated lies.

They say with every heartbreak, we grow
Rise up from the stem to blossom as a rose
But how can you grow with a chest so hollow
how can you grow when even rivers froze.

Mark twain once spoke of love and caution
"Never allow someone to be your priority
While allowing yourself to be their option"

The repercussion is a feeling of inferiority.

You would let a person break your heart
Yet still treasure dearly that same exact person
When you realise that it is time to part
The feeling of separation tends to worsen.

You would let the love you feel stay alive
When the sun becomes covered in spots of blue
You convince yourself to somehow survive
By the belief that letting go is love too.

Time heals all wounds no matter the size
The unseen love someone has been providing
Will lead to rivers unfrozen, shift lows to highs
So...does heartbreak bring any tidings?
 Feb 2016 JAM
 Feb 2016 JAM
You know what's sadder than writing anonymous poetry online.
Writing anonymous poetry alone,
in your room,
for yourself.
Although it is a close one.
My mom thinks it's cool, so do my 13 followers yay
 Feb 2016 JAM
Sk Abdul Aziz
Don't let a damaged past define your present and ultimately determine your future...fight and change the scenario...'coz what you were isn't as important as what you are and what you will be.
 Feb 2016 JAM
 Feb 2016 JAM
Wise people
Are rarely thanked for their wisdom
 Feb 2016 JAM
I wrote a poem once in fine
point pencil that went
unnoticed so I erased it

I wrote my next poem in nib
and ink from a well
and spilled the ink all over it

I next tried to write a poem
on an old fashioned typewriter
because the ribbon was all dried out
it turned out unreadable

So I decided to try posterboard
and a King Sized Sharpie to write upon
my next poem  and...
 Feb 2016 JAM
Mohd Arshad
 Feb 2016 JAM
Mohd Arshad
dreams are the contents of your life
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