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Yousra Amatullah Feb 2022
A believer's beauty is found in his sight,
Rather than his eyes.
Yousra Amatullah Feb 2022
Jannah is just around the corner

If it is true love what makes your beating heart,
Remind me of death
Jannah is the Arabic word for Heaven/Paradise
Yousra Amatullah Feb 2022
If I do something wrong, correct me.
Correct me (directly) by reminding me of Him in the most beautiful of ways.

Please do not mock me for not walking properly,
For our enemies carry the same name.
Yousra Amatullah Jan 2022
Het is haar natuur
Wisten zij van hetgeen haar takken droegen,
En *** het water haar met de grond deed verenigen

Dan reikten zij de wolken,
En waren zij, eveneens
In regen bezonken
Yousra Amatullah Jan 2022
To tell her she is oppressed,
They try assaulting her for the way she is dressed

To command being served,
They try ****** her for the way she was curved

They're the classless that spit upon her key, her name,
For not inviting them freely into her house. What a shame.

Their violation forced humanity to live early life in a tomb,
Unaffected, she carries on, as she carries the world in her womb
Yousra Amatullah Jan 2022
When you see me,
Don't fool yourself by thinking I've lost everything I've ever had, and lost everyone I've ever met
For I am facing the qibla
Alone, with everything I am,
And everyone I ever was

It is you, who wouldn't care enough to see
I am gathered, by The Greatest of company
Love my solitude
Yousra Amatullah Jan 2022
And value was the ink with which their names were written
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