Love is a simple four letter word,
We see it from dawn to dusk,
From Child to Adult,
But what does it mean?
It could be a chemical reaction, that's in our brain,
But maybe it's something more...
Is it a feeling?
A silly idea someone just made up
Or is it something deep down inside that stirs?
What is Love?
When your heart beats Faster and Faster?
When you kiss your Boyfriend/Girlfriend?
When you dream of a perfect partner?
Spending time with that special someone?
What is Love?
The way your parents and siblings get along?
The way your family cares and supports you ?
How you guys spend time together?
Or is it?
The way you feel when you close your eyes and know that where you are right is safe?
What is love?
The friendship you have?
The bond that holds you like glue to your friends?
The care and concern you have for them?
Knowing that no matter what, you'll be together forever?
What is love?