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Fearless Nov 2019
through long green fingers, the sun glints
a single dew drop waiting to fall from morning
light and dark contrast different hues of brilliant green
zebra shadows crisscross my window
musty earthy humidity tinges the air with scents of life
the cool pool beyond sits in glassy stillness
morning is here, and the Day of Rest awaits
Fearless Nov 2019
Earning the respect of others is easy
first, don't act ****** or do anything ******
respect yourself and how you wish to be seen
don't go around acting like everyone's queen

have kindness and love and an unselfish heart
so gossip and slander won't tear you apart
present good things for others to say about you
and to all of your promises always stay true

don't talk all the time or be braggy and boast
this is what annoys some people the most
others can't love and respect you and care
if you are just filled up with your own hot air

be trustworthy, generous, thoughtful, and kind
and then you will be so surprised when you find
that others will speak out with honorable mention
and you didn't have to do a single thing for attention
Fearless Nov 2019
As I worked, I stressed a bit till I saw you there
looking so adorable, I swear it's just not fair
dark blue eyes, gazing, your hair curled round your ears
I wish that I could hug you, and take all of your fears
you don't know what I see when I look upon your face
I want to tell you so much, but I'm quiet just in case
in case you can't accept the love that's in my heart
and I'd rather you not know, than forever be apart
I like to watch you laughing, it's my favorite sound
and when I look at you, it's like no one is around
everything just melts into the background of the world
and right around your little finger, I am tightly curled
I feel the God of love, standing right beside me
I feel Him looking at you, and seeing what I see
A man in need of saving, who struggles through this life
and his refusal to love either of us, cuts us like a knife
God puts a hand upon my shoulder to comfort in my tears
and holds me close and promises to take all of my fears
One day I hope you turn, your heart to God above
and then maybe you can accept, my never ending love
This love I have for you, is like a heavy boulder
but I'll carry it all my life, with God's hand on my shoulder
  Nov 2019 Fearless
Carlo C Gomez
When buying into love
Make sure to purchase
The lifetime warranty
Fearless Nov 2019
Love has become so unfortunately tainted
that in order to find you must be sainted
people don't trust that any can love others
turning away from even their own mothers
women don't trust men and men the same
it's all just one sad little trick filled game
but these are lies that are meant to deceive
the outcome that they are designed to achieve
to isolate all of us, leave us all alone
so we will be mad at God and not atone
if we don't believe that another can love us
how can we believe in a God up above us
a God we can't see who's never around
when we are lost and just want to be found
He's always there and He answers our call
even when we're left with nothing at all
love others around you, don't be afraid
don't use them for interesting ways to get paid
people aren't ladders you climb to somewhere
others can tell when you really don't care
so open your heart and show you are real
everyone around you just wants to feel
Let God work through you to share a smile
and maybe we can all stop crying for awhile
Fearless Nov 2019
Today I woke up in just the best mood ever
I've gone through dark times where that was never
Times I never thought I'd smile again
where I just could not ever seem to win
I don't want to talk about that though
because there's something I want you to know
It doesn't matter what you got going on
or how long everything seems to go wrong
dark times will pass and the sun will come out
you may not even know how it came about
I know how mine did, and that's why I'm here
to tell you what brought the end to my tears
I realized I'm loved, and that it's all okay
that God is with me, each and every day
If you think that it's just all rules and boring
or sitting in church with old people snoring
then think of it different, and just talk and ask
and turn your face to the sun and sit and just bask
you'll feel like you're talking to yourself at first
or God isn't listening, and you're somehow cursed
try to ask Him to give you freedom and love
ask Him to send His help from up above
tell Him it's hard and you can't handle it all
admit you're not God and to Him you are small
your problems are so important to Him
maybe I wrote this, just for you Tim
He can handle whatever you've got
so cast your cares on Him, even if it's a lot
I don't know a Tim, but if there's one out there that read this then, that's cool, I hope it helped in some way, but in case your name isn't Tim, I hope it helped you too. :-D
Sailing away from darkened waters
Moving ahead to a beautiful stream
Those nightmares now are far behind you
Your free to go and follow your dreams.

Looking now to that new horizon
Your world is now a happier place
The look of fear and deprevation
Has now turned into a smiling face.

Past regrets there are so many
No need to let them get you down
The wonderful thing about past regrets
We have the power to turn things round.

No longer the burden is on your shoulder
The weight off your mind has been carried away
Just look ahead to that new tomorrow
For tomorrow will be another day.
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