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Sailing away from darkened waters
Moving ahead to a beautiful stream
Those nightmares now are far behind you
Your free to go and follow your dreams.

Looking now to that new horizon
Your world is now a happier place
The look of fear and deprevation
Has now turned into a smiling face.

Past regrets there are so many
No need to let them get you down
The wonderful thing about past regrets
We have the power to turn things round.

No longer the burden is on your shoulder
The weight off your mind has been carried away
Just look ahead to that new tomorrow
For tomorrow will be another day.
Fearless Nov 2019
Welcome to Club Seduction
may I take your dignity?
you won't need that here
just come in and you will see

leave your self-worth at the door
it's your passage to get inside
now enter into hopeless land
where your personality can hide

we know that you can feel it
the sadness and despair
but here, have some alcohol
and drink till you don't care

over eager for attention
would you like flattery with that?
we'll give you anything you want
as long as you're not fat

now I just want to see
all the stuff you're working with
to see if it suits my fantasy
or if perfect is a myth

drink this and take that shot
and get up on that table
now show me what you got
hope you're mentally unstable

If a girl knows who she is
she'll never fall for all that crap
and then guys get so angry
'cause she won't fall in their trap

and I know that if a guy
shows the fortitude to wait
and not give in to cheap seduction
it fills these girls with hate

Now that, dear friends is why
the club is filled up with despair
because it's all a game of lies
and there is NO LOVE there.
Fearless Nov 2019
Having a rollercoaster brain
always pushing through the pain
there is nothing that I can do
I wish that I would have a clue
what will make my emotions stable
I'm laying it all out on the table
My ADHD slowly killing me
making me unable to see
my self-worth from day to day
I'm up and giggly, want to play
then I'm down and can't come out
and all I can do is cry and pout
I know it is not circumstantial
though at times it seems financial
but I'll be up for seven days
and then it all just goes sideways
and then I'm trying to make the climb
wondering why I have no spine
my courage it is failing me
all I want is for you to see
that if you love me patiently
not get scared and off you flee
then we an have a special love
and we can fit just like a glove
Jesus please hear my sad prayer
please answer my with special care
I love you God, you hold me tight
even when I push and fight
try to do things on my own
to convince people that I'm full grown
You care for me through everything
under Your protective wing
  Nov 2019 Fearless
A woman is a graceful thing
She is a bird with golden wings.
She is a kite with rainbow tail
She's a tall ship in fullest sail.
She's like clouds of nebulae
She's a moon in Martian skies
She's a kittens purring sigh
She's the Black Swan as it dies.

If a lass you wish to woo
A lithesome lady, eyes of dew
Stroke her when the day is new
Let your promises be few
Action! It is what you DO.

If she's a lady you should win
She wants an engagement ring!
What she craves is simply this
'Tis NOT just how you spoon & kiss
After love's beatific bliss
'Tis holding hands when you grow old
She's looking to your very SOUL.




Catherine Jarvis
Fearless Nov 2019
rain drops fall upon her head
try push her to the ground
but she stands tall against it all
and strength and love are found

the torment and the cold
of the never ending drops
feed her very core with life
and eventually it stops

the hardships that we face
are not always as we see
sometimes they just happen
to be exactly what we need

the petals soaking wet
stem dripping down with tears
but still the flower stood
in lieu of all her fears

then the sun came out
as the rain began to cease
and her purpose came to light
and she enjoyed a life of peace
Fearless Nov 2019
I planned out my day, and then I planned my year
I plotted every single thing so I could see it clear
I chose the career path, and I clung to all my strength
I managed my thoughts positively and exercised at length
I saved up every penny, and strategized my life
then I planned out how to be the very perfect wife
I knew if I was perfect, that I could have it all
everything I ever wanted, whether big or small
Nothing seemed to work out right, I never could predict
and it got to the point where I just couldn't handle it
I thought that I was smarter and that if I was good
I would be able to have everything that I thought should
just think harder, just do this, and then I will try more
but the more I did this, it frustrated me to my very core
I lost sight of who I was and all I thought I knew
but then one day it hit me and I started to get a clue
all my life i'd tried so hard will giving you a passing nod
then it hit me one day, that I had thought that I was God
Fearless Nov 2019
I see your fear that's deep inside
is it fear that I will hide?
that I cannot forgive your act
or fear of what I may lack
am I not enough for you
or are you just lonely too
are you trying to start this
or is there something I miss
I do not know what you want
sometimes it seems, just to taunt
to boost yourself and mess with me
I just cannot see you clearly
you cloak yourself in high walls
is there any way it falls?
I think that innocence and joy
might be the best little ploy
it can't be faked, you are too sly
you are just too smart a guy
you see through tricks and traps
and I don't want another relapse
I want to see your open heart
I know it's there, it's torn apart
by ravages of fear and hate
but if you open up that gate
and if you let Him walk in
and forgive all that nasty sin
and let Him love you perfectly
then maybe I will get to see
the man that you're supposed to be
and maybe then you can be free
to love and laugh and just let go
there's just one thing I want to know
when all this happens in your heart
will you then let me share a part?
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