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239 · Apr 2021
Man and his shoes
victoria Apr 2021
Man and his shoes

There is a man
At the water's edge
He glares savagely
Eyes raging
At the horizon

Unable to steady himself, his mind
Angry at his life
At his world
He spits virulent nonsense at the waves...
But they provide no relief

He hopes each cry will disperse
Each drop of venomous saliva will
wash away with the tide
He is infected with bitterness, but
a hundred moons and a thousand oceans couldn't save his retched soul

There are many watching, wondering, but he stands
Only the gulls surround him
Waiting to feed from his bones
He's redolent of despair
And they smell his desperate heart

As he rocks his upper body
Back and forth, back and forth
The waves greet him mockingly
And swallow his shoes
Written whilst sitting on the beach in Brighton, England. There was a man, shouting into the sea....
238 · Dec 2017
victoria Dec 2017
She was beginning her annual  journey; full of hope and excitement, back to what had become her saviour, her second home.
Years she'd spent within Italy's familiar arms, flooding her senses with summers past.

Could it really have been over a year since she last bathed in its beauty?
An entire year since her heart had been snatched away, and hidden behind her walls?

How that time had been good to her, and how strong she had grown.

Someone once told her that self knowledge was only ever accompanied by heartache and pain.
How wrong they had been.
Self knowledge had saved her life.
Self love had brought her back from loneliness.
How can that have been wrong?

Now she'd returned to the welcoming warm breeze, and the streets laced with a beauty that could release the most shackled of hearts.

A country where lovers are found wrapped tightly around one another.
Bound together with love.
Draped over statues from ancient Gods; their limbs intertwined revealing no beginning and no end. Just one heart made whole from two separate souls.

A country where street buses and cars, choreograph their way through the melody that the sunshine orchestrates.

A humidity that brings with it a yearning she hasn't felt in a million kisses. Her Senses re-awakened, a longing to be touched.
Finally freed from her self made cage.

She finds interest and delight in every withered portrait, and in the faces of every chess game, within the laziness its players boastfully adopt.

She soaks up the sticky sweet aroma like a honey bee to the morning dew.
And she is at home.

As night falls, the crickets gently rock her to sleep as she drifts away, into tomorrow's dreams of the awaiting breath taking sights and cuisines.

She falls deep into her bed.
Italy has her in its trusting arms.

She is at peace once again.
After a recent holiday following a break up that I’m still struggling with
235 · Oct 2017
Heart sinks and smiles
victoria Oct 2017
Heart sinks and smiles

How can it be, that tears can arrive so quickly, that they burst out from you like an explosion from behind coloured glass?

From reading some beautiful words, coming from a heart so deep, that it almost feels they wrote from the very heart that lies heavy, within your very own soul.

How can another being from this same and too often unbearable life, create a page that mirrors yourself all too well?

How can the heart sink and smile simultaneously? As the knowing that you're not alone, warms you in a way that it probably shouldn't.

How can two people live separately, but with the same dark pull, that will almost indefinitely keep them alone?

Trying to understand the 'How' would be insanity itself.
Keep feeling, keep writing, stop pushing it back, and learn to live with it.
I wrote this after reading o poem that my ex, who had broken my heart, sent me to read. Only he'd written it for another girl..   not me
229 · May 2019
Bum cheeks
victoria May 2019
*** cheeks

Sometimes I see my life slide away and get stuck
Like the hair that slides down your back in the shower and gets stuck between your *** cheeks

But I love to pull that hair out and toss into the bin
So time and time again I pull the hairy bits of my life out of the cheeks of this world
And toss them into lord knows where....
But at least they’re away from me!
Over sharing???
226 · Mar 2018
victoria Mar 2018
My friend insomnia

I know you love me insomnia
I know you get restless if I sleep
I know you hate it when I take a pill
And lie here counting sheep

But I need my body to rest, my dear
And my mind have time to dream
The sleepless nights spent by your side
Leave me angry and wanting to scream

Please my friend let me still my mind
And my sub conscience make sense of my pain
I just want an hour of switching off
Or I feel I may go insane
I’m so tired these past few months that I’m not reading because my brain and eyes hurt and I’m writing very little.  I’m behind on all of your beautiful poetry and I’m sad that I missing out..... I hope that I’m able to read all of your wonderful words soon. Apologies, life is getting in the way and Mr Insomnia isn’t helping ***
219 · Mar 2021
The beach
victoria Mar 2021
The beach

And I had awoken
As the sun began to rise
Soft words were spoken
Beneath the moon and her tide....
218 · Jan 2018
Time to heal
victoria Jan 2018
You tore out my pride
when you returned to her
When you left me
You ***** my sanity
You rendered my soul blind
When you crushed it to pulp
You left me void of vanity

You tortured me sick
with your pity lies
When blind hope
you sent to my soul
When you rid yourself of my sorrow
You disgraced the pretty heart you stole

I took your mean tortured ways
and applied them to my own
My skin fell cell by cell
My soul without a home

Then the pieces found their way back to whole
A new mountain now to soar
A new life began within that struggle
No more heartache I would endure
218 · Nov 2017
Sky junkie
victoria Nov 2017
I was sky watching
I was smaller than the corn
Leave the curtains open
I’m not too tired
I’m not ready for bed
I’m sky watching
Until I’m taller than the corn
As as child my mother had to ask each night if she could close the curtains because I loved more than anything to watch the sky..  it understood me, the sky
217 · Mar 2018
victoria Mar 2018
My angel boy

I’m drowning in you
I can’t stop the flood
Brain is scrambled
Blood starts to thud

You’re under my skin
You seep deep inside
I shield my love
But my soul I can’t hide

You encompass my heart
You engulf my mind
I’m lost without your love
Without you I am blind
216 · Oct 2017
victoria Oct 2017
Missing love.

Why do they never fall in love,
Why do they let me go?
Am I really not that loveable, does my craziness make it so?

I have so much more than they can see.
If they'd taken the time to know the real me.
They wouldn't have thrown me away so fast.
They'd have given me more time, a chance to make it last.

My heart is as grand as the ocean is deep.
I love without boundaries, their love I would keep.

I guess I'm not ready, they weren't meant to be.
I'll teach myself patience.
Try to be happy,  just me.
214 · Oct 2017
M*A*S*H 4077
victoria Oct 2017
Another night in
Another night alone
Watching MAS*H 4077
Writing poems on my phone

I wonder which episode is next
off by heart I know every one
Sobriety trying it's best to convince
That I'm sitting here having fun

So if you're going out to a pub or a bar
Please raise a glass for me
I'll stay home and mime the words
Admire my tan from my glowing TV
Just for fun. Favourite show. No alcohol
213 · Jun 2018
Too full
victoria Jun 2018
I have to run to the sea,
my love
Or my heart will explode into space
Instead it makes waves
for all to feel
my love
And leaves a warm smile
on their face
Almost 41 and only just learning to love
212 · Jan 2018
Quickly written sweet poem
victoria Jan 2018
Be the contagious smile
Be the breath of fresh air
Be the one to lift their spirits
Even though life’s been unfair

Be the bold, bright light
Be the glow within the dark
Be the unwavering love
Even with your broken heart

Be this and be more
Show the world a different view
Be unconditional love
And one day it’ll return to you
Happy new year ***
210 · Jan 2018
After you’re gone
victoria Jan 2018
Dripping from fingertips
Laid out bare
Heartbroken stare

A beauty witnessed
by all but you
Pushed back
Inside out view

Dawn is waking
As they carry you away
Empty where you lay
Suicide, written about death by slitting wrists
210 · Jan 2018
victoria Jan 2018
So it’s been just one day since the death of Dolores.
Bitter sweet memories
I didn’t post anything at the time
Because I couldn’t
I was broken
The cranberries where the reason I sang (badly) and the reason I took up the drums (also badly)
I never sang into my hairbrush more with any other band, than I did with them.
I’m not big on mourning celebrities, I think it’s a bit weird but she wasn’t a celebrity, she was my hero and my childhood, my teenage years and my forever dreams.
I’ll never forget those mixed up, ****** up teenage years...

Pushing boundaries
Losing myself, my body and my mind
Good night my sweet Dolores
I understand ❤️
208 · Mar 2018
victoria Mar 2018
And all of a sudden
Without even knowing
         This new love showed her...
That all the men
Who had broken her heart
          Had never deserved her....
208 · Feb 2018
victoria Feb 2018
So sad

It’s time my beauties
for me to say goodbye
Please don’t blame yourselves
Or ask why

It wasn’t right anymore
for me to stay
My head all messed up
My heart not ok

I want you to know
It couldn’t have been prevented
It’s been coming along time
Just know I consented
207 · Jan 2018
The day the break, broke
victoria Jan 2018
The day the break broke

It gingerly staggers up,
like a lamb to his mother
Transformation begins
A little wobbly at first
A touch untrusting of
it’s sincerity
But it is there

Then the breath becomes easier
More natural
Deeper with less thought needed
Like the coming and going
of the tide
the breath of the ocean

Appetite calls from the distance
It’s been too pregnant with the heart sickness
to wave to you until now
Your senses begin to stretch
and yawn
as your stomach
takes a peep outside
and begins to yearn for nourishment

Fever of the heart has broken
It’s time to heal
to lick your wounds
To build up and nurture
that self love
that went running into the hills
and hid between the woods

It’s time to fight back
To forgive
Seek out your truth
And your magic
And believe in love again
This is about the moment that paralysing heart break, breaks
206 · Feb 2018
victoria Feb 2018

I’ll never forget
The anger in your eyes
Filled with hatred
No thought to disguise

I went to buy milk
An innocent child
Your fury scared me
It felt wrong deep inside

Not an English owned shop
You spat in my face
Said I was a traitor
I was in disgrace

I knew from that day on
That I had to leave
That town so dark
Riddled with dis-ease

I’d never even noticed
Difference in colour of skin
Until you showed me
Such hatred from within

But I got away
And moved to a new life
Where people didn’t care
If you were black, purple or white
205 · May 2020
The Love effect
victoria May 2020
The love effect

Open your arms
And with no fear
Give that person a hug
And tell them you appreciate them
Even if they don't reciprocate
Weaken the cement in your self made wall
Breakdown your stubborn barriers

Love breads love
That person somehow, somewhere deep down
Will feel a little joy from your gesture
They might manifest this joy
And give that same gesture to someone else
And thus it continues
Love spreads love

Your love may not be returned
from the one to which you gave
But the giving of unconditional love
will attract love back to you in ways
you won't believe
Overcome the awkwardness
Overcome the fear of rejection
And give out love

So go ahead
Tell that person that you love them or appreciate them
or you're grateful for them,
or all three
and more......
And wait as the ripple effect takes place
And waves of love will eventually be returned to you.

Love is magic
It breaks down barriers
It heals scars and wounds
It can end all feuds
You can be a part of this today

Open your arms
And with no fear
Give that person a hug.....
204 · Jan 2018
Not my time
victoria Jan 2018
The train keeps a coming
But I just keep a humming
I just ain’t ready to open
that door
Getting there.
204 · Sep 2017
victoria Sep 2017
She was strong now.
She stood taller than the mountain that once towered above,
where down on her knees,
she used to pray.

The days she'd knelt down and curled away from the light,
were a distant memory.
Now the light flooded her,
until the tips of her fingers fizzed
with the new life she held inside her soul.

She'd written away the fear from deep of inside herself.
She'd written until all the ink, in all the pens she owned had run dry.
Until her fingers bled and her mind emptied.

She stretched out and then she held on tightly to the love that now engulfed her,
and she smiled.

A small joy had revealed itself and she danced to the sound of long awaited relief.

She was now the mountain.
She would endure all weathers. She would house those in need. She would search deeper inside of herself,
of her heart and she would become kinder,
more understanding,
and would bestow more love.

There were still times when she had to fight.
Times during the storms,
when she just wanted to let go and return to the old familiar patterns,
and the safety of her old misery.

But she did not return,
not fully.
And she knows she never will.

Love is the answer ❤
201 · Mar 2018
Falling fear
victoria Mar 2018
Falling fear

Like swallowing glass
I begin to choke down
Your vicious notes
Though I fear their sound

Like fading in the sun
Like falling through a cloud
Impaled onto your sharpness
Left to bleed on the ground
200 · Dec 2019
This world
victoria Dec 2019
It's nothing to do with an apple or snake
It's just power and greed
And the willing to take-
whatever they feel is theirs by right
Willing to die for
Manufactured to fight

The belief that in their god they trust
A promise of forever
Hearts of rust
Whatever religion
No matter the prayer
Evil can prevail
God doesn't care

Or maybe it's just their skin you despise
Believing you're greater
Ignoring their eyes-
that you'd see
If only you looked beyond
To see one world
Where we all belong

Their gender, their preference, the way that they live
Your God says it's wrong
That he can not forgive

But you do not see with your heart so black
blinded by arrogance
Always on the attack
You're killing this world
Emitting your hate
We've run out of time
It's probably too late
199 · Nov 2018
Your love
victoria Nov 2018
Your love is the lining around my heart
Its the sugar I stir into my tea
Your love is the chill on my finger tips
And my tears as they fall to the sea

Your love is the blanket to keep out the cold
It’s my mind when it’s impossible to sleep
Your love is the petals that worship the sun
And the wooly socks I wear on my feet

Your love is the first of the morning frost
It’s the passion that drinks up my fear
Your love is the candle that helps me to pray
And the memories I’ll always hold dear

Your love is what drives me to wake up each day
It’s my favourite book to re-read
Your love is the sea as it calls my name
It is all the love that I need...
196 · Oct 2017
The circus
victoria Oct 2017
The circus

I'm running to join the circus
I know it's a place I'll fit in
My smile painted on by the clowns
Hiding the sadness within

I'm running to join the circus
Away from a life of pain
Where the colours and laughter of children
Bring sunshine in place of cold rain

I'm running to join the circus
I just want my heart to feel free
Flying around the big top
With the other clowns, the pretenders
And me.
194 · May 2021
Living Demons
victoria May 2021
Living demons

I read you
and over
and over
I read you so violently vividly
You are viscous

Raging red mist
Clouds my vision
Your viscidity allures my fury

....and I would **** you

....I would not stop

Fingertips of razor blades
Knuckles to the bone
Spitting tears
Mouth foaming
Veins protruding with every single

.....And I would **** you

......I would not stop

Infiltrated by evil
Life for a life
Death hath no fury for what I will commit
......I'm already dead

......And I would **** you

.......I would not stop

And after....,
I would light up a smoke
And finally breathe from the heart you broke.....

I killed you .....

And I did not stop....
Wrote this after watching a film in which a mother's daughter was taken and killed...
194 · Feb 2018
Lost and broken
victoria Feb 2018
Lost and broken

I’m porous,
I was born this way
You can drip your pain
deep through my skin

You can’t wash over me
I’m permeable
I draw you to me
I wish I didn’t know how

My heart is out on the street
Drenched with the pain of the lost and broken

I can’t shake you off
You run under my skin
You dance within my veins

The sadness is
that I need your pain to survive
I need to feel you
So I can’t feel myself
193 · Sep 2017
Children by the sea
victoria Sep 2017
How does one dress for Brighton
I really can't figure it out
One minute I'm dressed for rain
Next minute the sun has come out

How does one dress for Brighton
Bright rainbows the colours of Pride
Or blues, greens and whites
Like the waves and the sea so wide

How does one dress for Brighton
Im unsure of the weather today
I think I'll just wear whatever I want
Take my new coat, and go out to play
189 · Jan 2018
Life’s fate paths
victoria Jan 2018
Passing by
one by one
in opposite directions
never touching
barely looking

Then there are the ones that
none pass by
They might stop
Upset the rhythm
Hoping for a glance
A smile

Some go in the same direction
Side by side
Sometimes different speeds
But always within sight
Until their destination
Changes path
Written whilst watching cars below me on a duel carriage way.
Thinking how their journeys can be like the journeys of people, and there souls destination.
Telling myself not to jump.
189 · Oct 2017
Feeling cynical
victoria Oct 2017
Feeling cynical...

Would you like to journey with me to the sky
Do you yearn to touch the stars

Does your soul ache to be heavy with love
And would you bleed to have a full heart

Would you promise the devil whom you'd promise your soul
so you could dance with the beautiful and never get old

Would you trade your dreams for loves deepest kiss
Give away your fire
for a life of fake bliss

The stars a safer bet
they're easier to touch
Finding a love on the deepest level
Never turned out to be that much
188 · May 2022
victoria May 2022
Poem written on my way home today


There are spaces between my head, heart, soul and my breath
They are the spaces where I can survive
Like the nooks of an ancient tree

Spaces that I can saturate with happy memories
That I leave unbarred in all weathers
As within these small places, I can switch off everything from this 3D life

The gaps are at times, slight,
like the seems between you're favourite jumper
Or as vast as the stretch between each coming wave of the ocean.
But no matter the breadth
I trust the matter

And as I stood within the pouring rain
No shelter did I seek
Thunderous, all encompassing
The type that lands and resides inside the centre of your bones
So deep and so cleansing
There is no question that you have been washed pure

And as the lightning placed its memory behind my eyes
Where even my own mind blurs the vision
And penetrated my ears
Where once upon I couldn't hear
I heard the power speak to me
And with no further resistance
I submitted

I respected
Not to your God
Not to any God
Because no God belongs to anyone
But to a place that I knew
Understood me....

And to feel this?
To feel emersed
To trust in
To give power to.........
A smaller ego and love is all that's needed....
183 · Nov 2017
I am yours
victoria Nov 2017
I am yours

Unfold me
Unroll me
Stretch me between
my heart and your mind

Render me helpless
Bleach me clear
Pull on my strings
with your eager demands

Hold me within you
Gulp my essence
Bleed me bare
Drain me juiceless

Scrape my bones
Evaporate me dry
Grind me to dust
Inhale me complete
Losing identity
181 · Dec 2023
I write
victoria Dec 2023
I write to create a world where I belong.
I write to feel at peace within my surroundings.
I write to provide a safe space between my heart and my mind.
I write so that I don't judge.
I write so that I learn.
I write because knowledge makes me feel safe.
I write because to write, I have to read...... A LOT!
I write to calm the daily anxiety-
I write to calm the bouts of unbearable anxiety.
I write to my depression.
I write so that I can climb inside my own universe and lose myself in my imagination.
I write because my heart would surely break if I didn't.
I write not for you to read, but for me to purge.

I write because the child within me, demands that I stay true to myself.
I write because it's the only form of art that lifts me up, that quietens my hyper sensitivity and unpredictable mind.

I write because if I don't release my thoughts, they'll turn inward and manifest into black.
I write because words are powerful.
I write because it's my life and my choice.
I write because to not write, would mean to lie to my soul
I write for solitude, for happiness, for gratitude.
I write to belong
I write for love.
I write to save me from myself.
I write to protect myself from my most damaging enemy, my fear....
I write because it's my only way through to the other side.
But mostly I write, because it simply makes me happy....
Writing practice
179 · Oct 2017
Not a poem
victoria Oct 2017
Ladies and gentlemen,

That person that didn't want you, love you, pick you for their love, for their life. For what ever reason.
That person doesn't deserve you.

Those texts you send when you shouldn't, but you're drunk and your boundaries have slipped.
They are not the real you.
The strong you.
Don't send them.

Looking at photos of their new love. The one that they picked instead of you.
That's not going to help you.

Those poems you wrote them. Stop!
Save your beautiful words. Don't waste them on someone who reads them but doesn't feel them.

Don't feed someone's ego, and destroy your self respect in the process.

That ocean of tears you cried, over someone that wouldn't even catch one tear for you.
No more.
Save your tears for those who deserve your love.

This self destructiveness, isn't you!
This never has been you.
Miss guided passion.
The drinking, the texts the phone calls.
The modern day problems of blocking and unblocking of numbers and Facebook profiles.

This isn't life. This isn't living.

This is wasting precious time.

I know it's hard. I know your heart is heavy with the cracks it now must endure.
But time can stitch over the cracks and pull the pieces of your heart back together.
Trust me. I've done it.

Surround yourself with your own love.

Hibernate, metamorphose, lick your wounds.
Heal yourself.
Take as long as you need.

It's not easy for us sensitive souls. But it can be done. Overcome.

Learn, be brave.
Then Love again.
174 · Feb 2018
Here to stay
victoria Feb 2018
Whispering I love you
after I’ve swallowed you down
Your perfect little angel
from the ***** side of town

You cleaned me up
You loved me
You made me feel brand new
We were meant to be together
I was made from a part of you

I’ll never be that girl again
self respect that’s torn away
Because you saved me
Helped me to love myself
And I know you’re here to stay
173 · Mar 2018
victoria Mar 2018
I want to feel you inside me so deep that I never feel that hole in my heart ever ever again.
I want us to become one when you’re deep within me so that I never ever feel lonely, because a part of you will live inside of me forever.
I want our hearts to dissolve into one another so they beat in unison and we never feel sad when we’re apart.
I want to kiss you so passionately that our souls combine and we become a brand new whole that no one can pull apart.
I want us to whisper “I love you” so sweetly that the wind carries it away and whispers it in our ears whenever you are away from me.
I want to laugh with you until both our stomachs hurt and we fall over giggling and then make love on the floor where we lay.
I want to be the best decision you ever made so that you love and adore me even when I’m old and grey.

I believe in you, I believe in us and I believe in this love
173 · Jun 2018
With you
victoria Jun 2018
With you

I want to play on the slot machines
I want to stroll on the pier
I want to feed you fish n chips
And smile from ear to ear
Happy times ahead
171 · Jun 2022
What is left
victoria Jun 2022
The tears that sting solitary sadness into my eyes and burn fear down my cheeks
will define my years long before their time,
upon my skin for you.

Each bird song
Each summer breeze
Will permeate my ears with a knowing
That I'll lose you the way a mother loses her calf
Only in the opposite
Cries only accepted by the moon and her tide

And my skin with the memories of you
Will fracture, crack and fall open
Little fire flies will zoom out
And expire in your memory

I will evaporate into the trees
And I'll be heard only when the wind
gets angry, frustrated and gales will
rush past ripping out my finger nails,
So they may settle to where your essence sleeps.

Terror and a deep sadness
will surround.
Stalactites will form in your loss

And my essence will be swallowed whole....
171 · Apr 2023
1983 and you
victoria Apr 2023
Its 1983 and I'm home from school sitting cross legged on the carpet in my perfect place, where I could sky watch all night long, and the autumn sun rays shone through the branches of our front garden blossom tree, into our living room, illuminating a patch of carpet where I believed a whole other world existed. Call me crazy, a lot of people do, but I used to truly believe there were other tiny worlds on each carpet strand. Complete with microscopic creatures or miniscule humans like Fairies. All living in fluffy homes with pets and pretty clothes.

A wide sunbeam would light up the specks of dust giving a brown sipea tinge, and I would try to catch each one in my tiny hands whilst I sat counting until you came home each evening.
My older brother told me that dust is just old human skin, mainly from the dead, in his attempt for me to stop breathing, but it just made me want it more. I wanted to breathe in each person's history as a part of me - maybe then I wouldn't feel so alone.

The scent of our old sofa, the glass corner that housed your whisky and Café Creme cigars. I'd trace the pattern for hours of the embroidered vines, their flowers and leaves that were immortalised under the pane. Destined to remain as the day of manufacture. Dark green, homely, comforting.
The surrounding fabric that faded with the daylight and all the New Years Eve parties that my parents threw, filling my sunken heart with a helium like euphoria
Those that I tried but failed to count down the days for
Where the adults would age backwards
Just for a few hours
Forget they had husbands, wives and young children
And my brain would fizz with an uncapped frenzied elation, from the smoke filled lights and music, that would bewray my constant sadness

The turntable blaring out ABBA, Billy Joel, Meatloaf, sounds of the sixties and all the music I now associate with happiness.
Our mothers swaying to Dancing Queen, nostalgic sadness seeping from their white wine eyes and aging skin. But oh they were so beautiful.

Me and my best friend would creep down from my bedroom and hide under the party table which was clothed in a long, crisp white Christmas fabric. We'd steel nuts, sausage rolls, fizzy pop and half eaten pork pies.
Dressed as Mickey and Minney mouse in our reversible sweat tops so indicative of the 80s

I knew right then, that my life would be altered by substances and acquaintances of the night
How I adored the chaos, the energy, the laughter and looseness of it all. Everyone smoked back then, completely care free and drank whatever was lying around, blissfully unaware that it would catch up with them one day, everything always does, in the end.
Our liquor cabinet had the most intoxicating scent.
When no one was around, I'd stick my head in and sit with my face pressed up against the bottles. I loved all the bright labels and colours. I would pick up the crystal glasses one by one and pretend to sip all ladylike the way they did in films, my little finger held out as i mimed imaginary conversations.
"How do you do?"
"Yes I enjoyed the show immensely"
"I'd just love to host next year's party, do come" 
I felt so grown up.

But an average evening saw me sat upon your knee, swinging my 7 year old legs, blissfully happy and loving you as fiercely as I feared you. You'd make my puppets come alive and i really believed.
I still do.
You were magic to me. I adored you.

It's a Wednesday night, which was MAS*H night and in 1983 the final episode played with 105.9 million watching. Too young in years to appreciate the tear in your eye, I watched blissfully unaware, just so happy to be sat up late with the adults.
I'd give anything to go back to that night, just for a few minutes. I'd warn you that in just a few years everything would end. That both our worlds would dissolve and within the sediment, a great heartbreak would settle in and live unwanted forever.
That we needed to spend every second together making memories.
Oh the innocence of it.

I'm sitting here  now, thinking about that night, about my fears, about our sofa and about you.
As Hawkeye and the Korean war fills my screen night after night, my eyes fill with you.
What happened to us?
Why did you let go of my hand?
The saddest day of my entire life

But I never stopped loving you, not for a single heart beat and I'm grateful for these memories that fill my pages, meaningless to anyone else, but meaning the world to me.
Some say you don't deserve my love.
They say you were less than a father.
They're wrong.
I'm ashamed to say that i don't often defend you.
But I declare it here, now.
On this page right this second
That you were everything I could've dreamed of
That the first eleven years of my life were so much more than I can ever articulate.
And how much I thank you for being my daddy...
I missed you
I miss you still.

(RIP 01/12/2018)
171 · May 2019
The rescue
victoria May 2019
The rescue

My severed starved soul
sought solace within your eyes
When my broken bloodied heart
had banished hope from too many lies

My culled but courageous cries
reached out for your hands to save
Your voice, tone and warmth
taught me to love, to fight, to be brave

Fear vanished from my eyes
As you wove through my pain
with your soul
I was reborn, rebuilt, reclaimed
I am yours, you are mine
We are whole.
169 · Jul 2022
The Devil's teeth
victoria Jul 2022
The sand beneath my feet
That wormed itself
Then burried under my chest
Where my heart decided the days fate
Was always just full of the food caught between the Devil's teeth
And the space God reserved for those with a passion of falling.

His lengthy and greesy hand prints
Invaded my retinas
And I'd be left silently weeping
That he does no more harm

If he'd demolished marshmallows
Like a child
The feeling would be soft
Fillowy clouds under foot
Your mother's swimming costume
The first feathers of a new born owl

But he'd gnawed at the bones of an animal deserving better
And I'd feel the sharp glass filled with despair
Ripping my stomach and the spaces
between my ribs like drops of acid
The edges sharp
The middles angry

And as time went by
And the shadow of him followed me
From Hill to Hill
Mountain to Mountain
River through to the Oceans
I realised
I knew beyond the bees sting
And the bite of the apple
That I was an unwilling desciple ....

How the night would steel my throat
And bargain with the moon to leave my voice behind,
as tiny as the pebbles that the sea spat out with embarrassment

And I would just give in
Worn and torn
Exhausted from my fingertips,
And holding up my hands
To any higher power
To please take me away
Even if for a moons changing
To the summers light

Powerless to breathe
And the grains of sand
Laughing at our stupidity
Will bury themselves until the next self sented beings
That will carry our shame
To their finger tips
And melt like the devil
Who came to dinner
And ate those that deserved better.
169 · Aug 2023
Reason for existence
victoria Aug 2023
And the man
Whose heart only opened
After a family size bucket from KFC
Had forgotten, love

When they tore away his boyfriend
Ripping out his entire reason for existence
An immense, cavernous void rushed in
Racing through his veins
A black hole

Only acid swimming in the pit of his world
His appetite
Swollen with the strain of loss
that drains the last breath
The chest expanding
2,3,4 and hold
The inevitable last exhale
Like the puppy
he'd once witnessed die
in his younger years

But today is not his day

Salt tears, run towards his chin
And he wonders aloud
If they will enhance the flavour
seeping into the fried batter 
family size bucket
wrapped around the fear saturated skin
of the animal that deserved better

Or flow backwards?
Choking him into his early grave
He makes peace with either outcome
As yet another hole pops
in the only *****
he is unable to comfort

His deep fried donut world
Shades pulled down low
Sunken into daytime TV turning to night TV
Abandoned armchair side
Shakespeare pleading between the pages
His adoration for literature
Lost between the cracks in the blinds
Any hope of a love
Sunken beneath the board keys
He taps to replay his fantasies
The memories too distant now

The delivery man arrives
Extra pepperoni, chilli beef, mexican chicken, double cheese, suffed crust
His heart salavates for its next hit
Satiated finally
He falls into a deep slumber
And dreams of a time
Where his appetite
only yearns for love
victoria Feb 2020
Title; Feeding off their unhappiness

Bring your silver lined buckets
Catch and gather
Tears for collectors

What's your preference
Sadness so valuable
Happiness now obsolete

Your contentment rising high
Filling your void
Empty buckets make you cry

Too dry a day today
Happiness a comeback
Fill their buckets
Your tears of hate
168 · Jan 2020
A young girl and a curse
victoria Jan 2020
Title; A young girl and a curse

What page are we on?
What number did she say?
"Ssssh stop asking questions"
"Be quiet"
"Go away"

Can you repeat the question please?
Could you demonstrate?
"Stop fooling around girl"
"We've moved on"
"You're just too late"

I can't quiet the words
The red it hurts my mind
"Up late watching TV
Were you?"
-"I'm guessing not mastermind!"

Please don't make fun of me
You'll only make it worse
"You'll have to learn to cope, child"
167 · Apr 2021
Best friend
victoria Apr 2021
Best friend poem

And just as I felt myself fall
as the tears fell hard to the floor
and my heart unraveled it's stitches
And crawled out under the door

Instinctively you just know
That everything isn't ok
That life has forgotten to love me
So you pick up the phone and say...

The words they come easy
Like my favourite book to read
Familiar, fun and carefree
And finally I can breathe

And my heart returns with a new beat
As my smile turns wide as the sea
Because I'm your Thelma
And you're my Louise
And that's how it will always be...

(But without the suicide 😂)
166 · May 2019
Without you
victoria May 2019
Poem-Without you

Heart shattered
Brain smattered
Insides drowned in fear
Can’t breathe
Won’t believe
Can not persevere

Insides raw
I’m too flawed
A waste of space in time
Devil waiting
I will surely die

Nails exposed
Blinded by the light
Breath drowning
Soul frowning
Can not find the fight

Dreams dark
Torn out heart
Can not find my breath
Veins thick
Stomach sick
Dreaming of my death
162 · May 2019
Self forgiveness
victoria May 2019
✒️Self forgiveness

She woke alone
lying naked
her mattress bare
except for
the lonely echo
of her beat-less heart

A calendar
void of any dates
hung solemnly
above her bed
gradually ceased to arrive
no calls
no letters
no texts
found their way in
through her damp
dark walls

Years of guilt
led to a mountain
of unwritten RSVPs
as she hid
her self-hatred
from any
that endeavoured
to help

By emptiness
By a colossal


Grown tough
Evolved stern

By a softening
tenderness that
was not of her own
She became still
Her spirit
Her soul
Into her heart

was different
she felt the ocean waves whisper to her soul
“Come to us and forgive”
“Come to us, and forgive yourself”

She felt the warmth
from the tiny pebbles
beneath her
as she connected
with nature
She found
her way back
to her heart
Seemed to take a lifetime
161 · Sep 2017
Inner child voice
victoria Sep 2017
Did you pray for me
***** knees
Spliff hanging out
Smoke in the breeze

Did you pray for me
Lick the glass clean
Bottle empty
Last night just a dream

Did you pray for me
Old hands upon your skin
Allowing them inside you
Self respect gone from within

Did you pray for me
Rolled twenty in your hand
Powder running low
This wasn't what we'd planned

I prayed for you
Your heart smashed on the floor
The men that were too old
The drugs and your lust for more

I prayed because I love you
And I know you love me too
Deep behind your wounded soul
Life returning back to view

I pray because we are one
We can't survive alone
I pray because you are enough
It's time now, please come home.
159 · Oct 2017
victoria Oct 2017

I saw two hearts
Within two trees

Then I saw my fate
Within their leaves

I felt my love dwindle
Within its roots

Because I saw my past
In its rotten fruits
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