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152 · Feb 2019
Submissive 2
victoria Feb 2019

Peel me raw with your voice
Undress my mind with your wit
Scrape my bones with your laughter
******* blood, so I submit

Pluck out my heart with your soul
Rip through my spine with your mind
Extract my juice with your eyes
Make me love you, till my eyes go blind

Devour my essence
by employing your wisdom
Engulf my anger
inside of your skin
Siphon my love
urging your inhale
For you my angel,
are my only sin
150 · Aug 2019
victoria Aug 2019
as your brain consumes itself
as it discards the good

as your body resides in the dirt
Be tense-
as your lungs start to flood

as the fight begins to growl
Pay attention-
to the hate you accept

Give in-
to the fact that you’ll never be
all the secrets that you’ve kept
147 · Mar 2019
My love
victoria Mar 2019
My heart needs nothing but you, my love
My dreams of castles and fairytales are no more
For you fill my head completely, my love
You are my fairytale
and my castle forever more

My soul no longer searches for its mate, my love
For it now resides within your soul
My fear no longer engulfs me, my love
For you’ve replaced it with a love I’ve never before known

I would die without your love, my love
My mended heart would shatter
and wilt
You are the glue that keeps me whole, my love
My broken life you have beautifully rebuilt

I yearn and ache for the day, my love
When you ask for my hand for life
There is nothing I was born for more, my love
than growing old as your faithful wife
136 · Mar 2019
victoria Mar 2019
Hot sweaty nights
Half a life gone by
Second semester
Just wanting to cry

Happy to anger
In 0 to 10 seconds
Want to control it
And kick someone’s head in

Skin filling with lines
Showing up all flaws
Weight out of control
I hate you menopause
Very quickly written ******* poem
136 · Dec 2017
Leave the clown be
victoria Dec 2017
What do you think the clown would say
When you took his frown, and wore it your way

What do you think he’d do if he knew
That his sadness was the mirror
Image of you

What would he say when you stole his suit
Knowing you could be a perfect  substitute

What would happen if you both became one
Shadows like twins
The darkness had won

What if you both
could change your lives
And live in reality
No need for the disguise

I think you’d be happy
Reflection a smile
Make up vanished
It’s been a long while
128 · May 2021
Finding Bukowski.... Late
victoria May 2021
And then there was the day
that Bukowski ruined my life
I'd have been a regular girl
Maybe made a good wife

But he got a hold of me
Then cynicism snatched my mind
He was almost beside me
Grabbing my behind

I'd gotten straight
I'd forgiven my past
Then incame Hank
So it didn't last

I'm on the level
No knives in MY skirt
The other girls they teach
How a man to hurt

But I was gone, just gone
I couldn't have destroyed you
The Gods had been good to you
The tracks had adored you

And within your words
I found no salvation
Just a world you'd flown from
Leaving only adoration

But I was born in 77
A 17 itch before you passed
Your life still an obsession
By loving an outcast

A rose garden
That's what you gave to me
You gave me thicker skin
I'll write...
I'll  just be

Found Bukowski at age 43... This is a blessing, any younger and he'd have destroyed me
124 · Apr 2020
The three month itch
victoria Apr 2020
The Three month itch
Did not arrive
Or the fourth
Forth and a half
Or even the five

The one year goal
Arrived so fast
Certainly by now
We were destined to last

Two years in
And going so strong
Others placed bets
They lost
They were wrong

A bad track record
Up until now
I was waiting
For you
To show me how

How wonderful it is
To be loved so strong
Right by your side
And in your arms
Is where I belong.
123 · Apr 2021
The prince and his wife
victoria Apr 2021
And I am glad
After a possible 60 years
With the man I love
That the world won't comment

That the people won't discuss
How I should feel
How my children should feel
Because I wasn't born to the public

Oh my gladness
Oh the relief
That I was born of the working
That memes will not terrorise my family
And my great loves will not suffer
As your patriarchy bestows
121 · Jul 2021
Snake eyes
victoria Jul 2021
(Snake eyes)

Step over
I want to see through your
Snake eyes
Let me see what you fail to hide
Crack open your lies and greed
Expose what's hiding inside

Behind your facade of sorrow
Lies a soul that's bitter and black
The ******* you wear of honour
To conceal before you attack

The persona you created
Is permeated
with a gluttony for money
and pelf
You're redolent of deception
Bad liver
and a ****** dark health

I can see through you
Snake eyes
Now your camouflage
is gradually failing
The cracks are slicing your veins
As your lies begin derailing

You'll never know happiness
Snake eyes
You'll never feel loved or respected
You're doomed to spend eternity
Snake eyes
In your darkness
A hell only you created
Just venting
119 · Oct 2017
victoria Oct 2017
It means nothing, it means everything
I want nothing, I want everything
I feel nothing, I feel everything
I ask for nothing, I want for everything
I dream of nothing, I dream of everything
I love nothing, I love everything......
victoria Dec 2021

A big part of someone's everything;

He is the magnet that draws back the tears
Until it safe for them to spill
and drop to his finger tips gently
although, against my will

I wrote of him one day when my mind was still
Sent the words to those that believed
That within a mind so troublesome
Sunshine, would be conceived

A moth, I made of myself
As a flame he became in my eyes
And as I burnt the tips of my wings
From their ashes I knew I'd survive

He is missed, deep beneath
where my heart meets my soul
Where my madness is tamed by his light
And his stitches make me whole

Broken parts of memory remind me
Of a time before he was near
When my skin wore an insanity
Parading to those who came near

There are people that keep us graceful
And journeys that make us whole
And a presence that can't been seen
But when felt, can fill the hole

His stitching gives me strength
To wear my older pain with pride
I can live, I can love, I can survive
As long as nearby, he resides.
114 · Jun 2021
Grounded by love
victoria Jun 2021
If I don't have love
To hold onto my feet
I will fly too high and
forget how to land

But my feet need only
to be held lightly
So that I may still
flutter and dance

My wings need to be free
Clipping them only
dampens my spirit
But please hold softly
to my toes
So I know, that love
Waits near below.
110 · Jun 2020
victoria Jun 2020
There's a reflection of sunlight on my wall
And when it flickers
And I catch it out the corner of my eye
I pretend it's the face of someone
The face of you, maybe
Or the face of a clown
Laughing at me
Then the sun fades
And I'm alone again
107 · Jun 2021
Resting heart
victoria Jun 2021
And my head may rest
Where the ocean kisses the sand
And you may find me
Between my heart
And your hand

Your hand that grips mine
And I'm safe down on the shore
The ocean calls for my soul
But my heart cries for you more

Will you take the place
Of the waves beneath my feet
Take the moon and her tide
As my independence, gently retreats
I'm leaving my home by the sea, to move 5hours away with my fiance.... I'm sad to be leaving the coast. It saved my life.... But I must try new things. This is my first adult relationship and I'm 44 years old!!!
106 · Jul 2021
Madam Jelly's wings
victoria Jul 2021
Living in a flat
Above the old print house
Lived old Madame Jelly
And her cat
Whose name was Mouse

No knocks on her door
No mail through her box
Her calendar was empty
Like the holes in her socks

She knitted tiny clothes
For the mice under her bed
And wrote funny books
From the pictures in her head

The children on her street
Thought her a witch of brilliant white
But no-one ever saw her
She was always out of sight

People left her gifts
Of wool and such delights
She'd send the mice to fetch them
In the darkness of the night

It is said if you saw her
And looked into her eyes
That she'd cure your broken heart
Legend says
She's of the wise

But I saw her once
As she looked up to the skies
And when she saw me
She winked
Then turned into butterflies

Some mysteries should be unsolved
Some stories, remain unheard
But I'll never forget the day
Her butterflies became a bird 🦋
Sometimes I like to test myself to write a poem straight out, within 5 minutes, no changes allowed and about any subject that comes to mind. Usually they're crap, but I kinda like this one, it's cute...
Oh and there IS an elderly lady who lives above the print shop that I walk by most days 🦋🐦🦋......***
victoria Apr 2020
Remember when you were young

And the pavement smelt so sweet after the summer rain
Remember the golden fields behind your best friends house
The corn cuts and grass stains on tiny legs  remember never complaining of pain

The farmers ponds and bluebells a plenty
Empty fishing nets and happy, gapped teeth smiles
Dragonflies chasing butterflies and faces towards the sun
Remember ice creams and cider pops
And always having fun

Remember grazed knees and quickly dried tears
Handstands on garden walls,
sunflowers, and cartwheels,
Soft grass underfoot
remember no fears

Water fights and mosquito flights against the setting sun
With muddy shoes, broken bikes, fizzy sweets
Climbing to dizzy heights

The smell and love for your favourite tree
Above the brook where you'd swing and feel ........completely free
Those days there was no way that you wanted to go home
Sit indoors
Didn't own a phone

Dinner time came just as your tummy began to chatter
And you'd cycle home, broken chain, ***** clothes,
Didn't matter
Tomorrow's adventures already lay awaiting
As you'd lie in bed
Fall softly to sleep
Always dreaming
Always creating

Remember when you were young
88 · Aug 2020
The bad ones
victoria Aug 2020
I was there you ****
I watched you do it
I wanted to put a bullet through it

Through your head
Then watch your face
And all your cronies
Fall from grace

A grace in which you never deserved
From all the horrors that you served


Like it was tea and cake
And all the time you're running fake


Because you
Lied and swore
All the lives you
***** and tore


just so you could rule
And ridicule

You're poison
You're vile
You're redolent of ****
And all the flies
That thrive on it

If I were queen
I'd cut your throat
Tear down the flags
And prose you


from a hate so dark
Inside a vessel
Blackened heart

One day
I will drain this land
And all the good will understand
That you and yours
Could not survive
Not if we're
To stay alive
81 · May 2020
Useless poet
victoria May 2020
I'm a part time poet
I fall between the lines
Constant comparison
Leaves my ink well dry

I rarely read your work
I may seem nonchalant
Just hit the heart button
My one form of response

Vocabulary is TINY
No matter how I try
Doomed to research words
Regularly makes me cry

I could respond with kindness
Of words I know completely
But I feel that's not enough
So hit the heart discreetly
I once felt part of this HP family. But the more I read of your words, the more self-conscious I became of my own. Once again I wasn't good enough. My ego won and I only read silently from then on....
victoria Aug 2020
All the streets and
All the seats
And all the ******
masks and feet

All the lines
In single file
Humanity lost
Afraid to smile

All the people
Scared to breathe
Whilst children wash
In ***** streams

All the oceans
full of ****
Because we couldn't
do our bit

Voting with
Agenda goals
Instead of with
Our hearts and souls

We ****** it up
And from behind
And all we needed
Was to be kind

— The End —