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Ivan Brooks Sr May 2019
Yesterday brought me the challenges
of today before fading away
beneath the canopy of the dark.
So tomorrow remains a dormant embryo.

I therefore rise each day before dusk,
to plow the fields and cloud of dust,
In the hope of turning faith into hope
And mere dream into a unique reality.

So before I lay down my soul to sleep,
I pray my labor will germinate seeds
And put bread on my table so I can
Feed my household and my neighbors.

This is my prayers to the universe,
Make all the tolls of today bring
Me very good tidings so I can live
beneath the morango sky tomorrow.

#IvanBrookspoetry (c)
The Morango sky sees everything.
Ivan Brooks Sr Apr 2019
Why couldn't I fall asleep last night?
Maybe I just didn't wanna really
miss out on all of the juicy spoils
that yesterday offered as benefits.
Or maybe it is just the sheer
anticipation and uncertainties
of tomorrow that scared sleep away.
Darkness is no more, summer is soon here.
So I lay there sleepless and wide awake,
listening to the sounds of the wind
lazily flipping the blinds against the window.
Outside, the occasional sounds of the
the first barrage of the night crickets echos.
I begin to wonder what it is to be a cricket.
How sweet to live on grace provided by God,
and how free to fly without any limitations.
I was jolted back to reality by a sound,
maybe it was insomnia quietly creeping out.
Or the challenges of tomorrow moving in.
Tired red eyes squinting to see from whence
cometh the unknown but welcomed sound,
I saw nothing but I knew I heard something.
So I waited for clarity of the sound source,
thereafter heard nothing further in the room.
I was quite as though a ghost had passed.
Slowly, I began to drift, the elusive sleep was here.

Sleepless nights can become productive nights.
Ivan Brooks Sr Apr 2019
Reeducate yourself
by using what you've learned
to question what you've learned.
Take the answers to those questions and
question them again and again,
until you find what you need.
Sooner or later you will realize
half of the things you've learned
are a waste and most of what
you really needed to learn
was outside the classroom-

Like events yet to unfold,
geographical locations and places
yet to be seen and explored,
experiences yet to be had,
books yet to be read,
researches yet to be made,
fences yet to be jumped,
trenches yet to be dug and crawled through,
seeds yet to be sown,
rivers yet to swim and bridges yet to be built.

Things like adventures yet to be taken,
cliffs yet to be hanged from,
oceans yet to be navigated,
mountains yet to be climbed,
shattered dreams yet to be chased,
harvests yet to be gathered,
tears yet to be shed, music yet to be listened to,
sleepless nights yet to be spent,
roads yet to be traveled,
milages yet to be covered,
mysteries yet to be figured out
puzzles yet to be solved,
risks yet to be taken,
lies yet to be told and hearts yet to be broken.
many disappointments yet to be experienced,
chains yet to be unshackled and races yet to be run,
pains yet to be felt, battles yet to be fought,
and loses yet to be endured.

Education is not an event...
Ivan Brooks Sr Apr 2019
Lights out for one of God's shining stars.
A humbled soul and good man is gone.
Not to the terrestrial worship house of God,
Where he was the director of beautiful music,
but to the Heavens, his celestial home.
A gifted man and tireless character,
A kindred soul who answered his calling,
and performed to his creator's delight.
May your sojourn be smooth and peaceful,
until we meet at Heaven's golden shore.

You lived a life very well lived
Maybe not in the years of men,
for it was short in their mortal eyes.
Like a bright star, you lighted the world
and touched everyone with an infectious smile.
Your life was like a brief candle in the wind,
but long according to the great arbiter's plans.
How sad and painful your sudden loss to us,
In solemn and fond memories you'll forever live.
The loved ones, family, and friends left behind,
we'll pray for the Lord to gladly receive you,
In Abraham's bossom for a perpetual rest.

For my deceased cousin ...A great humanitarian and musician.RIP
Ivan Brooks Sr Apr 2019
Sadly, I was born free to poverty
yet enslaved to many things.
I was raised right in the wrong place
So I planned my escape from poverty.

Gladly I liberated myself and my future,
empowered by the sheer will to survive.
I refused to accept the story of my birth,
So I sojourned into the unknown.

I reached beyond the very limits
that poverty placed before me.
I spoke power to self and jumped,
Not knowing if the parachute would work.

Oh, how sweet the fruits of freedom,
How free the paths I scouted for me.
Though jaggy but I know every pothole,
every stump in case I have to crawl back.

It is not where you were born or how...
Ivan Brooks Sr Apr 2019
I pay great homage to my Africa
The continent of several million cultures
Roots of the Dreadlocks of Jamaica
Jambo Africa, land of the vultures
Akwaba to the Eden of Black people
Ancient Africa mother of humanity,
The world still feed at your diseased table
Oh, Africa, custodian of nature's bounty.

Mama Ebony, you've forever represented since the creation
Thy cornerstones are planted on top of Pharaoh's tomb
Oh Timbuktu, the cradle of ancient education,
Blessed is thy beautiful dark womb.
Lined with fertile dark mineral soil
Eternal volt of the Ashanti gold
Adorned with gems, smeared with oil
Yet not half of your story has been told
Volcanos fuels silently off your gas
Land of Akana, the guidance of the sun
Your Pyramid stands where it once was
Watching time and age having some fun.

I pay homage to Africa,mother of humanity
My roots,my people.My culture
and My history ,,
Spirit of my ancestors.
Ivan Brooks Sr Apr 2019
Everything has time.
So try to make time dine.
Use it to make a dime,
Or to make juice using lime.

When you have time, smile.
Or use it to have a dance,
Or use it to run an exta mile,
Time promises no second chance.

4.17. 2019
Time waits for no man.
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