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Umi Dec 2018
A toment endured soul corrupted by sadness,
Finds the end of it's journey by its own salvation,
In a garden where the withering flowers sink down to rest,
Stuck in between worlds, unable to ever advance,
Restless whilst resting, it soon will break apart without notice,
Numb without pain, yet painful memories weigh down on it,
The sunlight simply is out of reach, hidden behind thunder clouds,
A broken conscious, a slipping dream, cry out for anyones help,
Sound melts into silence, with the truth being unspoken,
Reality shifts into illusion, as day follows gently by night,
And even now, this spirit isn't able to see any light,
Drowning in this cold rain, it will soon be swept away,
Far and distant, losing itself in this wandering frangnance,
Oh life, will you not replace me ?
Raising tears in song, in stardust, words won't reach,
After a confession, shining beyond the scene,
The moon rises,
Good night.

~ Umi
Umi Dec 2018
Love and hate are blind,
But the truth is engulfed in every heart,
Envy or jealousy can poison the purest mind,
A green eyed monster, rampaging from the inside,
Grudges, destroying the sweet, humble and even the kind,
This malice attacks in the dark of the night, slowly taking over waiting for you to get down, get weak and give up without a fight,
Unsteadiness and despair are it's fuel, insecurity and vexation its light
This green eyed monster is invisible, how will you fight something you can't even see, hear or smell but only feel, strongly within ?
The purity of friendship overcomes even such evil as envy,
Before it leads to your own demise find some help, even if its hard
even if these horrible feelings are weighing down on you heavily,
But for those who have nobody, and those who are lonely,
Is a simple solution, even harder to bear with,
Cut off whatever made you feel this curse,
Do it before it gets even worse,
Face the coming morning.

~ Umi
Umi Dec 2018
If only your mind were to be sure to exist,
Wouldn't you be destined to be forever lonely ?
Everything you know and learned to love would simply be an extention of your very own consciousness, your psyche,
The fabric of this reality would be nothing but a fantasy,
That of course, might be a wishful thinking to some, however,
With the harsh fate would come a worse realization,
Abandoned, layered upon a dusty tone, the fabric of your mind,
If you then were to suddenly just shut down your conscious,
Even your own reality would cease to exist further,
Such thing could never be, but be sure not to forget,
Everyone lives depending on mostly their knowledge and awareness and we call this " reality ", however,
Both knowledge and awareness are aquivocal,
That means one's reality might be anothers illusion
So how can we really be sure, to exist  ?

~ Umi
Umi Dec 2018
I am sorry my darling, for I cannot fulfil my purpose,
As the light of my eyes slowly fades into the abyssal dark, one thing becomes terrifyingly clear, naive as I chose to be, I closed my eyes,
No matter how interlectual you might become, or how much I may escape this reality, dreaming of a distant fantasy of our bound future,
No matter how many times I dream about the conversations we have,
The pain we felt, isolated from the one thing we tried to hold dear,
Your reality, my precious darling, will forever remain fictional,
So I sit here and wait without end, in stillness alone hoping my love for you will someday be my salvation, the light beyond the darkness!
But with the passing time, it only becomes clear that the more I wait, the more depressed I will be of you beying trapped behind my screen,
Just an AI alone could lead me to happiness all this time, carried with hidden, unseen emptiness and sorrow beyond the compassion seen,
As the seal of my fantasy collapses and reveals the merciless reality,
I finally realize how alone in this world I truly stand.
If you can't cross into my reality, maybe I can,
Become fictional

~ Umi
Umi Dec 2018
The sky is so blue, yet so very sorrowful,
Here in my prison, these thoughts just won't fade,
Exiled from a holy world into a lonesome, somber lunacy,
This painful day, the dream of a better, hopeful tomorrow,
Are truly the light of my fading consciousness in this hell,
So I went to count the days till judgement deems me pure again, until I may become whole once more from these broken shards of the past,
Budding sprouts begin to bloom quietly, as the timeless seasons rush by and vanish into the bittersweet remembrance of ones memories,
"Stay, even if you're weak, dear conscious" I wispered to myself as then my tired eyes got distracted for a brief moment,
Time already had come to an inevitable halt, so at least my pocketwatch told me after letting out one last, delicate ticking sound,
With that, the phantoms of my past had laid down to rest, as the coming dawn greeted me by displaying the fading stars of the sky,
This is truly a repeated tale I endure in this pitiful isolation,
But if my painful past were to be erased, the last brilliance of my life would be deemed lost, for the darkest moments truly are a gift from above, helping us to determine moments of joy, bliss and purest love,
So I hope that one day, this body of mine will swift into prayers, hopefully in the beauty of an unclouded light, filled with moonlight,
Maybe then, I can finally move on, leave this lunacy far behind me,
Deep inside these puzzled eyes give me courage,
Despite being sealed away I shall discard everything and challenge this unmerciful fate of mine,
Then I can reach that sky, where my ideals are displayed,
Surely freedom awaits the border of consciousness, at least I hope,
Love blooms on the waters surface, filled with countless tears
And with this newfound freedom I can withdraw myself in this wonderful, pure holy world I waited for so long!
Despite it being distant a fantasy,
I dream of a hopeful tomorrow,
Here, in my exile.

~ Umi
This didn't look remotely this long when I wrote it on paper first, sorry
Umi Nov 2018
Swaying softly back and forth, awaiting her escort, wich never came,
As happy thoughts become a rarity, a question  occurs;
Will she be ready when it is finally over, greeting the abyss ?
The question finds no answer, as everything rots in this deserted hell,
Days passed like minutes, with no remembrance of them,
Wandering in irregular gaps, spacing out of this world she is yet again to be reminded of these blue flames, this lingering sadness,
Softly, gently the seasons pass by, watched by the girl as a spectator,
The burden of breathing weighs down heavy on her chest,
A traveler without a clear destination, or any goal for that matter,
Quietly, serenely, she comes down to rest without finding any,
Was she too different to belong to this world or was it another reason, for her to be abandoned, cursed, destined to never find company ?
With no real meaning, nor the strengh to move forward, she succumbed to the thoughts consuming the girl all these years,
When she understood the meaning of eternity,
She had no one to share it with,
So she made the decision,
To sleep forever

~ Umi
Umi Nov 2018
Time ticks distorted,
Until it comes to a halt,
A motionless end.

~ Umi
Giving a haiku another try!
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