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The noose has my pain
Tied in to it, words
were never enough
As it
Was spoken, swinging
I was not upon earth
Yet in the air,
I was set free, the thread
Entwined my
Were suppressed, never to be
heard aloud, I was silent
The noose was my moment
Of clarity, it tells all the words not said,
My life is less, my life is free gliding upon the *noose.
Some words are to painful to write only actions write the moments needed to be spoken
The wars of the gods are fought
In the flesh of humankind
Pawns posed in a posture of divine purpose
Pleading for power, repenting of pride
Prepared to die, an eye for an eye
Upon the battlefield the devil dines
Was this your destiny, or some deity’s design
Wars to be lost, battles to be won
I am the star, the moon, the sun
Will you worship me when you’re done
I am all things, so let’s be clear
Vengeance is mine so make yourself pure
I am the bullet, the crime, the tear
The blood that you spill, the bringer of fear
A deaf ear I turn, a judgment I render
Appease me now for I am the offender
I hold the answers, you wonder why
Belief is a disease and so you will die
Call it a gift, call it a game
I create lust and demand you abstain
This constant collaboration between me and I
We are the truth and therefore we lie

Bite into my apple of immortal desire
Look upon the nakedness of eternal fire
I am Satan, I am god, I am the mystery within the façade
From way back.
Everything is beautiful, as far as I can see
Everything is wonderful when my eyes bleed

Everyone is casual, sifting stems and seeds
Everyone is pleasant, spirits soaring free

Everything is peaceful when life is but a dream
Everyone is kicking back, hear the eagle scream

Roll another dream, smoke rings fill the sky
Pass it to the left,  never pass it by

Everything is kosher, watch the children climb
Everything returns to sources in it’s own time

Everything is beautiful, as far as I can see
Everything is wonderful when my eyes bleed
I want to reside at the brink to that eternity,
where your eyelids confluence and letting me slip into that consciousness,
There where every rivulet of drops is drifted by the impetus of love and inclusiveness.
They say things will get easier
as the years go by,
so I wait to see the difference
but then I question, "why?"

Sometimes I feel like I'm ok
and accept that you're gone,
yet there are other times
it's so very hard to carry on

November brings this emptiness
at the end of every day,
the daylight brings me comfort
but at night, a hole, is where I lay

My mind is still reminded
of the games that we would play,
the trouble we'd get into
and all the lies we'd have to say

We knew we had a bond
that would always be just ours,
and as the years past along
we shared so many scars

I felt the burden of your pain
and of the damage you would do,
every time your heart would bleed
mine would pour out too

They say to just be THANKFUL
for the years I had with you,
to share in all the holidays
but now they'll always be too few

As November's door closes
and the calendar moves along,
December rears its ugly head
and you're heard in every song

Here comes Santa Claus
ringing through my ears,
Silent Night is only heard
through my falling tears

No one will ever understand
how we'd scour through the house,
hoping to find some presents
you'd say, "be quiet as a mouse"

They say it will get better
sadness will turn to cheer,
memories should be precious
but its so hard this time of year

As Christmas comes upon on us
I force myself from my bed,
to decorate the tree and shop
when I'd rather sleep instead

The empty seat at the table
hits me every time,
a symbolic rememberance
as the clock begins to chime

The conversation's always lacking
without your voice amongst the noise,
then my mind flashes back
to former Christmas mornings and all the toys

Things changed as we got older
but laughter still filled the room,
now opening the presents
just fills my heart with doom

As the day comes to an end
I sigh and breath relief,
only a few more days
and the month will be complete

In those final days
a weight's placed on my chest,
our last conversation was so heavy
my mind runs without a rest

It's as if I see myself
from some other point of view,
answering the phone
to hysteria about you

Her voice was full of fear
but I still hear my mother say,
"your brother, he's gone"
I knew the Lord took him away

The 30th will mark five years
I've survived without you,
but anyone who says "it gets easier"
just doesn't have a clue

I know it might sound crazy
even I don't understand,
why sometimes I'm still a little girl
in need of my *big brother's hand
For my big brother. Never forgotten.
Soap froth sprays in the air
Up down up down it goes
Rhythmic swings don’t care
If the detergent smells of rose!

She has to cleanse all dirt
Rub off the dourest stain
In it she puts her heart
Thereby forgets own pain!

Rises the lever up far
Swoops down fast with a thud
Rainbow bubbles scatter around her
She knew not when staled a rosebud!

In the tub water her ocean
She squeezes the wetness dry
She knows only this motion
Got no time to look at the sky!

Now in the sun she must spread
Fabric of brightness on sight
Her own life’s long lost thread
Is buried in the hush of night!

Does she remember the broken oaths
Her life never nurtured in sun
Worn out as all her washed clothes
Faded like all the years gone!
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