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 Aug 2017 Tupelo
Poetic T
Luminous stars caught above
catching the shimmering
beauty of powdered trees.

A blanket of snowflakes gently
surrounding landscapes of stillness.
As footsteps  break pristine white.
 Aug 2017 Tupelo
I am White and Black
Red and Yellow
Doesn't matter a wise man says
What color is the soul.
 Jun 2017 Tupelo
Poetic T
A mouth can
hurt more than
         any blade...
 May 2017 Tupelo
 May 2017 Tupelo
drown me in
the ease
that drips from your
and becomes you
in your life, my infinite dreams live.
learn some UX/UI best practices
and above all the annoyances,
PLEASE STOP trying to be cute
with the perpetual edits
to the HP name

it's annoying
and distracting
from actual things
I want to read

 Mar 2017 Tupelo
When everything is wrong
This will be my poem
This will be the burning voice
A ghost, giving me no choice

This will be my poem
This is how I will hold on
This will be my forever after
All the tears inside the laughter

This is how I will hold on
This poem will make me strong
Even though my heart is stone
This is what I call home

This poem will make me strong
No matter how long I hold on
I will stand here as long as it takes
Willing my soul whole even as it breaks

No matter how long I hold on
Time is useless when it's gone
My soul will be shattered
but pieces may be gathered

Time is useless when it's gone
but it echoes in my song
This will be my poem
I'll forever call it Home
 Feb 2017 Tupelo
Poetic T
***** smiles that are breathed from
          that vessel sailing on each others hearts

Embarking on the shores of rapture
      feeding the other syllables of love
valentine ink
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