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  Sep 2015 Sydney Ann
Chase Hunter
You would stand there in the kitchen holding our son
Light shining through the window
Just hitting the stranded strings of your hair disturbed by the wafts of air creeping through the window your father never had time to finish
  Sep 2015 Sydney Ann
Emma Pickwick
We were beautiful children
And we grew up so brave,
We were touched by death and heartbreaks but we stayed just the same.

We listen to jazz all night and drink red wine,
Find ourselves adventure to pass the time,
We don't talk much about the pain we've felt inside,
No more bumps in the road,
Just enjoying the ride.

Our love is too strong to carry weight of what's gone,
We find peace in the sun,
And the belief of being young.

Love of mine in the world,
We are one in the same,
You can laugh while you're crying and be childish when you lose games,
We are fine, we are okay,
We are in love,
And our children someday will be just like us.
Sydney Ann Sep 2015
I'm so tired of being the odd one out
left politely out of the loop
Sure I feel bad about my ignorance
but Jesus you should have told me
Wouldn't have ****** up if you'd have told me

You act like it's such a big thing when I get it wrong
but I get ignored by you all anyways
My own heart is my best company
lucky me
and I guess you'll never know the loop I've left you out of
Take that
Sydney Ann Sep 2015
Yes you have that I bet.
Sit with the interned, let it caress you
all the while it ***** the time away
straight from your internal clock
along with neurons
social and family relationships
so much time
What the ******* guys
you'll die with no memory
of ever living.
Think about that.
  Sep 2015 Sydney Ann
eunsung aka Silas
you may not know me
face to face,
but you and I have connected
heart to heart through words.

Our lives are woven together by
the tapestry of words,
and into a living breathing poetry.

you and I are no longer strangers,
but fellow poets and sojourners
on this journey of creation.
  Sep 2015 Sydney Ann
He told me my scars weren't beautiful
And I told him that no one could ever really admire a masterpiece
Without taking a few steps back
Your scars make you who you are and no matter what you are beautiful
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