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  Aug 24 Traveler
Listen to the trees,
Hear them rustle in the breeze.
They whisper to the wind,
As it bristles all their leaves.
50 shades of green,
Shimmer like a dream,
And the trees give out a clue,
That the wind is passing through.
While somewhere deep inside,
Ghostly figures hide.
Spirits from within the wood
Play with shadows as they should.
The trees see you passing by,
And, with a soothing sigh,
Becalm your beating heart,
And relax your roving eye.
From an early morning walk in the woods.
Traveler Aug 24
What shall we take away from this,
pockets full of integrity?
Doing the right thing is a stressful path
of righteousness…
Directing our feeble footsteps
into a sea of madness.
Awaken to the waves
or you will sink into eternity….
Traveler Tim
  Aug 24 Traveler
A tuber of sobriety
sprouts in the mind
It swells and thickens
from a root to a vine

A tendril meanders
and wavers
but all the while
still climbs...

The impossible
becoming possible
with discipline
and time
  Aug 21 Traveler
Ryan O'Leary

I am the resident of the
White House, I’ve got a
Prostate problem excuse
Me I must go for a P they
Said it should be an up her
Case, no idea what it means
I must consult my Alamak,
Not Old Moore’s I’m dyslexic
I meant Kamala, she lives
Next door I think, she’s is
Here nearly every day, they
Tell me she is looking for a
Job, she should have asked
The joker before Trump, he
Might have employed her, I
Can’t imagine what she could
Do around here, we have our
Own cleaners, I’d best go back
to the Oval Orifice and get rid
of the Buck that stopped There!
  Aug 21 Traveler
William A Poppen
Those pictures of me
Are disingenuous images

Blurred from the start
The fuzziness has grown over time

I’m told to see myself
Where can I find a true mirror?

Others say the sounds of me
Are clear and eye-opening

I listen for the sounds inside me
Can sounds ring distinct and genuine

Still much static blurs
The best parts of me

I seek to find silence
To settle into solitude

I engage in deeply
Listening to the uttering of my heart

My heart emits a song
Of the genuine me
Self-esteem, self concept, insight, compassion
Traveler Aug 21
Into the deep end this reader
will dive
You gotta be careful with your
existential vibes
I followed you down
To the depths of your meaning
There I explore your creative being
I can see your soul is solid and kind
The connection complete
The experience divine

Thanks for being
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Humans and microbes have a close connection. 
Microbes are as numerous as they mention.
They outnumber our own cells by 10 to 1.
Humans are superior germs and stand no. 1.
Though no. 1, we'll have to pay attention.

Microbes and humans have variations. 
Both are cell structures in orientation. 
Microbes are dominant, and they stun
Microbes- Humans

Bacteria are found everywhere in the nation. 
Humans have an *****-level organisation.
Microbes have more survival abilities than anyone. 
But we need a supportive system or someone
We should take care to reach our destination. 
Microbes- Humans
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