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 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
I remember when it started.
She was always so terrible towards me, a horrible friend.
But I stayed because I had no one else.
And she understood, she cared.
And every time I went by her house
she would scold me for eating.
She was skinny
And I was... Me.
And if I wanted to be pretty,
Then I had to be like her.
I had to let my hair fall out,
And let my body temperature drop,
And I had to count calories,
Because if I didn't,
Then nobody would ever love me.
I remember her like it was yesterday.
I had a crush on her abusive brother,
Because I thought it was cute that when I said "No"
He would always say, "oh come on, you know you love the attention."
I didn't understand then that I would carry this,
That every time things get hard,
I restrict and I don't let myself eat.
It's a way for me to feel control I guess,
Because I always did love control.
I just never had any.
I'm trying my best to overcome this,
But it's so hard.
If eating didn't make me sick,
Then maybe I could.
But I just can't stop thinking about
the way she would yell at me
and tell me all of those horrible things,
Even when I begged and pleaded for her to stop.
I realize now that she was not a friend,
She was a demon in a girls body.
Random memories keep coming back, the ones I locked away so many years ago. Why are they coming back now?
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
Here's to the you that's amazing.
To the you
who stood there for them,
who sacrifice for them,
who smiled for them.

Here's to the you that's strong.
To the you
who lie to live,
who hides your tears,
who suffocates inside.

Here's to the you that's beautiful.
To the you
that cut yourself, because you don't want to hurts others;
To the you
that wrote it out, because you don't want an outburst;
To the you
that simply smile, because you needed to.

So here's to everything that you've done,
to everything that I've said and not;
Here's to you, my amazing one,
Perhaps it was unnoticeable, perhaps it was small,
but I know, cause you're strong,
we know, cause we're same.
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
It's not about you
escaping life.

It's about not letting
life escape
Deconstruct the established
Many ideas which supports them
Scrutinize them with precision
Dissect them to the core
Reveal the truth that they hold
In an endeavor to construct
One needs to deconstruct
To establish the relation and bonds
Nothing is permanent
Deconstruct to establish the truth
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
Eliot York
Under the orange
street lights
it's 3am

Longing to find him,
she skulks alone
in the dark

And as London sleeps
her cries go unheard
by all but one
The other night, I woke up to the calls
of a red fox outside of my window. They sounded
something like
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
I was skipping on the concrete tight

rope when the wind swirled beneath my tipping
parapluie and I took flight into the loosely

hanging telephone wires and my voice suddenly
cracked through a handheld, reciting the lyrics of a favorite

There is a
Hairline fracture
In the structure of my being

My life is but a collection of moments
Spent waiting for myself
                  ­ e . . .
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