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 May 2016 Thomas
K Balachandran
This blue one is my favorite,
in the peak of ****** excitement
she calls me "Devil" between
sweet obscenities and tender bites
that lets me decide her species
a killer whale she is.
I fell in love with this aspect
at the very first sight,
the easy buoyancy of the cuttle fish,
Ah! the delicate squid in my dreams
in her transforamtive  rigor of
peripatetic desire.Above me she hovers,
we are entangled with the strands of clouds.
In the soft poetic squid folds,
my desires find  discharge.
Octopus, oh my perfect metaphor for desire,
are you strictly a fish by definition, I muse
though a mollusc, who cares, as long as your
supple tendrils, know how to touch and arouse
allow pleasure to flow through eight ducts,
would take you as the equivalent of a bisexual yen
in your tight binding  and sucker amour,
under water I am the  slave for your pleasure,
bleeding amour in equal measure
on each embrace.
Gold fish is a cliche, but is it  her fault?
when  frothing orange morning sun
seeps  in to her spacious glass cage
she is another rich kid, seeking pleasure
and when she sings with her wings
dreamily moves, a pendent of Gods she is
my longing see the  cliche, yet oh! such  *** appeal,
my tactile desire, is more alacritous than being tactical.
 May 2016 Thomas
Remind me of home
just be something
I can hold
to keep the memories
from floating away
I lost or broke
the other things
dam mangler hands.
 May 2016 Thomas
 May 2016 Thomas
i know
but maybe
i need another
just in case.
 May 2016 Thomas
gray rain
Sun 3
 May 2016 Thomas
the end
a bland goodbye
no drums or drama
not even a curtain
just dull shades
a handful of people
expected more
for all that hassle.
 May 2016 Thomas
 May 2016 Thomas
I cannot find the words to answer your lines,
it's been years since my skin touched yours at night
it's been a long night with no dreams
I am poor when it comes to writing about memories
and though our roads are separated now
you're still in some of the glasses I have
and in the cigarettes filling up my lungs.

I loved you the way I love
the sun touching me with its golden lights
the way I love waves crushing the shore at night
I had you with all my body
and with all the light
I was able to hold inside.

You had a way of digging in my heart
and make bluebirds fly in my evening sky
you were in my coldest nights
the blanket covering my heart.

time has passed and I know,
feelings get older everytime the moon shows her pale light
but believe me when I say
in my mind there are still memories
calling your name.

I'll keep you in the drawer of my mind
you've made me cry and you've made me smile
all in all we are just an ash blowing in the wildest wind
I loved you, I hope you know,
but it is time for us
to find another sun
another glass of poison
from which we'll drink and cheer
till in our dreams
we'll die under the  layers of our skins

I am sorry, dear,
but we had to pack our things
before destroying our souls,
I am sorry the love we shared so painfully died

I still hope you know
I loved you

the ghost of your name still haunts me sometimes
I know you still love me
and I wish one night
you'll find some other dreams to live inside
 May 2016 Thomas
Paul Gilhooley
A daughter is a gift of innocence and charm,
As she lays quite delicate in the curve of your arm,
Her hopes and her dreams you hold safe in your palm,
As she squeezes you tight, you promise no harm.

Pushing her gently on the swings in the park,
Your constant concern as she stays out in the dark,
Fiery and moody, but bright as a spark,
But a place in your heart, she will soon make her mark.

A young daughters first love is always her dad,
Those boyfriends she brings home, just another wild fad,
You look on beyond them, thinking intentions are bad,
But as long as she’s happy, you know you’ll be glad.

To tantrums and tears over the weirdest of things,
The joy and the love with the happiness she brings,
The noise from her room, with the boyband she sings,
Her bedroom all messy with the clothes that she flings.

Your emotions and fears will be dragged through the mill,
At times with her stories, she’ll leave you quite ill,
The time it will come when you mention the pill,
But no matter what, you’ll love her still.

So this daughter that lies safely asleep in her cot,
Will make life’s sad stresses and woes matter not,
Her smiles and her giggles will leave your stomach a knot,
But a daughter’s sweet love, means you have the whole lot.

© Cinco Espiritus Creation
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