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Every morning she goes
Into the woods, picking twigs for
Fire and small flowers for her tiara.
I borrowed love from my flowers
in my flower garden, for a little
while, how warm, fragrant, as
they quietly entered, like soft music
in the misty dawn of summer

Love every where inside and out, just
notice the song that flows from
all living creatures, they have a special
note all their own.

The first snow in winter falls, gracefully
each different in shapes and song
as they drop lightly to the frozen

I borrowed all of natures love for
one season, feeling sensations of
communication and song, through
out time, she sowed her sweet
love in my soul.  

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
 Dec 2018 TheStartOfMyEnds
i am not an it.
i am not an object.
i have a pulse.
i have a beating heart.
i am made of stardust.
i am made up of skin and bones.
and you still call me an **it.
your mind can't grasp the idea that
i am a strong woman one day
and a strong male the next.
"R adiance of a mullbery moon,
O palescent splendiferous hues
S tars sprinkle on high upon
E arth's eternally dewy roof."

©Kikodinho Edward Alexandros,
Los Angels, California, USA.

#musing at the rose flower.
Honestly, though none a gift of roses hath ever gifted me...Loll, the flower I've always adored since childhood, now I'm a young man, still I do and so shall it be when fickle time shalt wrap me in layers of life...Loll
 Dec 2018 TheStartOfMyEnds
Emma P
From the dust of chaos comes order,
For in that rubble, ideas are gleaned.
From the bright light of death comes the darkness of life,
From us comes everything in between.
 Dec 2018 TheStartOfMyEnds
real sadness is not being able to hear the rain
 Dec 2018 TheStartOfMyEnds
real sadness is not being able to hear the rain
sitting by foggy windows
to see it falling instead
picture the sound
trying to get around
the idea
that silence doesn't exist
filled with noises
in my ears
all day

far apart
from having inner peace

let me lay down

hear the raindrops on the roof
splatter on a window

give me a piece of silence back
it's all I wish to take back

depression didn't seem so lonely
when I closed my eyes
to hear nothing

I fell into the void
all I hear is white noise
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