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 Aug 2018 Tashes
Emeka Mokeme
Here standing again
at the edge of the cliff,
struggling against the
force of the wind.
Drenched and cold,
thinking and wondering
what to do.
This is what I was seeking.
I wanted to feel the
storm in my bones.
Fearing what I want and
wanting what I fear.
Desiring and yearning for it,
yet distanced myself from it.
Never been more sure
about changing than now.
Angels are busy working and
trying to show visions
of heaven.
But here am I clawing the
ground trying to get hell for you.
Now I have to stop struggling,
for this striving and toiling are not
yielding desired fruits.
I'm so breathless from all this
going up and down
trying to make it work.
Rest is not so bad after all this
rigours of running around.
Dullness has taken over the heart
of one who suppose to rule.
Stagnation cannot be tolerated
and condoned or we all go down.
Change is needful urgently.
It is time for you to learn the balance.
I bring from the east,
I bring from the west,
I bring from the south,
I bring from the north
the power of balance.
It begins in the spirit.
We can balance anything.
Our voice, our work, our body.
You can even balance your sadness.
First you find patience.
Perhaps you will meet patience in this
sunlight and become good friends.
I will tell you again.
I will tell you again and again
until your inside knows.
It takes a long time to learn the art of balance.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
 Aug 2018 Tashes
Donall Dempsey

The moon has fallen
asleep in a bucket

can't get back out despite
trying to slide over the rim.

It trembles as a train
thunders past midnight.

A child tries to catch it
its tiny hand plunging

through another dimension
through to its nothingness.

The moon takes its chance and
escapes to the sky with a splash.

It's all gone now
( the barn of course )

but the house...the child...that moon
are no longer to be found.

Strange to think
a house can die.

A tree enters through
the kitchen window

its head upon a table.

The bedroom
is without its roof.

A door still stands
without its walls.

It bangs in the breeze
a surreal morse code.

The living room is home
to a family of nettles.

A sofa moulders
a new line in zombie furniture.

A hare stands upon a chair
barely able to hold itself together.

One of the chair's legs
genuflects to a sunset.

The hare hops upon
the rotting table top

enters the tree's head
and leaves upon its branches.

Somehow the bucket

Still standing outside
the outhouse.

It is full of storm
right to the brim.

It holds within itself
the moon of now.

Trains no longer
thunder by.

I, that child
now - this man

let the moon
splash through my man

before throwing it
into the night's sky.

Always wanted to do that
before I kicked the bucket.
Greates stuff ever best method way to sell
Used on grown ups and it works so well
Tell them don't cut that tree next it fell
Just can't help themselves rings every bell

Kids at home mums going out just awhile
You can have all the goodies down here
But don't touch the things up there high
Soon as shes gone guess they didn't hear

Don't do that in life for its a woeful sin
First chance humans get how else to win
One thought in most of a human mind
Thats funny no money no honey to begin

Politics religions oh they'er never found to lie
Pictures on cigarettes signs fragile written
Curiosity killed the cat they say and it did
Reverse Psychology works a skill so bitten

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
It matters not what browser you may use
If you believe they aren't watching you
Doesn't matter cooking to come what may
Your dater is collected by them its true

Choosing a private browser almost a joke
All you do and search goes on their file
Just more human controll getting worse
As time does by for all birth to hurse

There are ways to tell what they all do
With any sense tape up your camera too
All they are doing is really a crime in time
As they collect and assume as they all do

But there are ways to bore them all crazy
Computer stalkers most brain dead lazy
All the main places from google to facebook
Would be  full of unhappy marriages hazy

So rest assure whatever you do its true
Most of then would love to as well do it too
But for them its a job they need to get a life
Collect this you twit might make your day true­tion.jpg

terrence michael sutton
copyright  2018
 Aug 2018 Tashes
Mellow waves
Miracles do happen everyday...
Every moment, every breath you take,
Is truly a miracle

In the same hospital,
The exact moment you hear the heart rate monitor giving its final beeps on the first floor,
You hear the shrieking of a new born on the fourth floor,

The sadness and grief on one family’s face,
Hope and delight on the other’s,
Prove that life and death are truly intertwined,

They are a cycle,
They complete each other
It’s really a miracle.

A miracle visible to the naked eye,
A miracle that makes life worthwhile.
 Aug 2018 Tashes
Your eyes twinkles,
Like a star.
Small and close to the universe,
But so huge and miles apart
 Aug 2018 Tashes
Ashwin Kumar
I don't know who you are
I don't know what you do
I don't know where you are
But I know that
You have wrecked me
Mentally, psychologically and socially
Rendering me incoherent in speech
And incapable of action
Reduced to a blundering mass
Of bloated bones and sinew
Ready to collapse like a pack of cards
At the slightest hint of a crisis

I don't know who you are
I don't know what you do
I don't know where you are
But I know that
You have wrecked me
And you shall pay dearly for it
Whether it be death by a thousand cuts
Or a pill of cyanide in your cup of tea
Or a bullet right in your temple
Or a mighty fall from the tallest tower
Or a bite from a venomous serpent
Or a decapitation by the mighty guillotine
Or even, having your soul ****** out
From your filthy mouth

I don't know who you are
I don't know what you do
I don't know where you are
But I know that
You have wrecked me
And I shall not rest
Until I finish you, once and for all
And the world is rid, of your menace
A poem which is meant as a message to a troll on Facebook with a fake account

Statutory Warning: contains references to violence, death and ******. Not recommended for children, senior citizens, women in advanced stages of pregnancy; and cancer and heart patients.
 Aug 2018 Tashes
Donall Dempsey

" this...'place'?"
I hear myself ask.

"It is Death."
I hear my self answer.

Myself and my self
have become separate entities.

Death is a 'place.'
I've got to stop thinking of it as that.

Sans space...sans time.

The day fades
as night sets fire to the sky.

This sunset( so to speak )
is sent to offer me comfort.

It does not exist.
It is a scrap of memory

that has somehow

I watch its 'world' like a film
with the sound turned down.

I watch my atoms

to give me some semblance
of who I am.

Or rather - who I was.

So. There is no God.
That is good to know.

Nor no - Heaven either.
Only this 'Hell' of not knowing

who or where
the hell I am.

Death, it seems is only
a beginning.

I re-sculpt my face
at this molecular level

in order to hang on to
who I used to be but

it is like living in 2-D
a me that's not-me.

Forgetting who I was
I must accept who

I am now
and only then

it dawns that "Yes,
yes...Death is. . ."
It was the trope of Heaven as was expected...White bearded Big Guy etc., that didn't materialise. He survived his dying so to speak and this was his experience.

My own experience was one of the pain that passeth all understanding and at the instant where no more pain could fit into my tiny mind...the pain transformed into absolute bliss...the world simply fell away into nothingness.

But many there stood still
To face the stark, blank sky beyond the ridge,
Knowing their feet had come to the end of the world.
Marvelling they stood, and watched the long grass swirled
By the May breeze, murmurous with wasp and midge,
For though the summer oozed into their veins
Like the injected drug for their bones’ pains,
Sharp on their souls hung the imminent line of grass,
Fearfully flashed the sky’s mysterious glass.

Spring Offensive

 Aug 2018 Tashes
 Aug 2018 Tashes
The feeling, the emotion, the happiness
that you feel.
The ecstasy , the aching , the joy,
Its all real.

It swallows you up, till you can laugh
It lets you live, lets you love

But the problem comes
When it goes away
A void is left
And the smile will fade

You stand there wondering
Reaching, confused
That happiness, when it goes,
It takes some of you.

— The End —