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708 · Feb 2018
Steve McNutt Feb 2018
Don't scream "I love you" from the mountaintops,
competing with the babel and clamor of the world.
Whisper it to me in the still silence of the night,
making me strain to hear it,
blocking out the din of the universe to focus on the melody of your voice.
Let me feel it infuse the skin of my neck,
carried by the sweetness of your breath.
© 2018, Steven S. McNutt
467 · Feb 2018
Steve McNutt Feb 2018
Most of the time,
I am convinced
That you have
No idea,
No concept,
No glimmer of comprehension,
Of how much I love you.

But how could you?

No words could ever describe it;
No actions could ever demonstrate it;
No musical notes could ever sound as sweet;
No sunsets could ever appear as beautiful.

Yet, every day,
My mouth will speak;
My body will act;
My throat will sing;
My soul will paint the sky.

And Maybe,
You will know.
©2018, Steven S. McNutt
334 · Dec 2020
Steve McNutt Dec 2020
Over time, I will show you what it means to be truly loved.
Over time, you will learn that happiness is not a destination, but a journey.
Over time, I will show you what it means to be adored.
Over time, you will learn that having scars is different from being broken.
Over time, I will show you that time is irrelevant, because love is indeed immortal.
Over time, you will learn to love yourself.
Over time, I will show you the true meaning of “Always and Forever”.
Over time you will learn to see in yourself the beauty that I see.
Over time, You and I will cease to exist, and there will only be Us.
©2018, Steven S. McNutt
217 · Dec 2020
Unbidden Power
Steve McNutt Dec 2020
Words have power.
Words as weapons.
Words as praise.
Words as motivation.

From the time they begin rolling around Inside my head,
Joining with others to form ideas
Until the moment they,
Force their way through me
And out onto the page,
I Love Words!
©2020, Steven S. McNutt
203 · Jun 2021
Steve McNutt Jun 2021
I Love You
. . . Because the sun shines.
. . . Because the birds sing.
. . . Because the flowers bloom.
. . . Because the poets muse.
For all these reasons, and more, I Love You.

I Love You
. . . When the winds blow.
. . . When the storms rage.
. . . When the snow falls.
. . . When the children play.
At all these times, and more, I Love You.

I Love You
. . . Where the sea meets the horizon.
. . . Where the eagle kisses the sky.
. . . Where the light meets the dark.
. . . Where angels fear to tread.
. . . Where infinity ends.
In all these places, and more, I Love You.

Because you are you . . .
Until the end of time is a distant memory . . .
Wherever my soul rests .   .
I Will Love You.
©2021, Steven S. McNutt
200 · Apr 2020
Through The Door
Steve McNutt Apr 2020
A passage
Engulfed by an invigorating
Sea of pitch
Now transformed
By the ceaseless streaming of sand
To a cavernous crypt
Harassed by light unwelcome
Dank from the runoff
Of stagnant pools
Of thoughts outworn.
Cracks and crevices obscure
A multitude of doors -
          Each with its own black sea
          All but one with their own dank caves.

I search my pockets for clues gathered along the way -
Reclusive bits of knowledge
That burrow deeper to avoid my grasp.
The slow ones I reach
And they unwillingly reveal their prize
Shrinking some doors, enlarging others.
My choice is more limited now
But still unclear.
This is the final choice
And I know I must choose carefully.
I muster all my courage and open a door
Instantly recognizing the fulfilling blackness
Of a thousand other doors I have chosen.
I step forward . . .
          And hope.
© 1992, Steven S. McNutt
121 · Apr 2020
Steve McNutt Apr 2020
Once it stood
its brilliance
beautifying the surroundings.

But now,
after a minutely short existence,
it is

Each tender, silky-white petal
turns to a rusty brown,
then silently breaks away
and falls
to the ground.

As I watch helplessly,
I frown,
that soon
it will all be
©1986, Steven S. McNutt

The first poem I ever wrote that I truly thought was good. Thankfully, it was not the last.

— The End —