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  Nov 2015 Silent Starfish
I'm a admire of art
loving you
was my masterpiece.
The brush strokes
I couldn't
a beautiful picture.
feedback is greatly appreciated. thank you
I fear that one day you will see me the way I see myself
  Nov 2015 Silent Starfish
Dallas Hogue
I wonder,
If the sunrise ever looks down on our inhabitants,
And holds it's breathe as the beauty of life overwhelms even that of the sky
  Nov 2015 Silent Starfish
Neal Deckert
Your words fly through like birds on the loose, they cut so deep like self afflicted abuse like being locked up for life and hanging yourself from a hand made noose, like everything you say has no meaning and is being reduced. How can you sit here and be exactly to the T for the exact reasons that you criticize me?
  Nov 2015 Silent Starfish
Joel Frye
the simple knowledge that
you are
will nourish
the stony soul
my heart
takes tenuous
  Nov 2015 Silent Starfish
arms point
to the sky•
a gesture
                           frozen in                 eter-
                                 nity•un-                fazed as
                                   the clouds                whisper a
        lie•                 rumours of                 rain that
  never               came quickly•            prickles
protrude             menacingly            •threaten-
ing all who          would stray         too close•      
baseless            gossip that   masquerade    
as pleasant-   ry•to deviate me from      
the path i chose•still i stand            
here...duelling the sun          
•in a land scorched            
ing for hope
when there's 
really none•
here i stand...
lonely and
Concrete Poem 11 of 30

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