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 Jan 2021 Smothered Divine
I poured myself
inside your cup
pretended to be tea
your lips pursed to the rim
burning kiss
bile churns
you forgot
I'm made of sins
Be a sunflower.
Turn towards someone.
Help them.
Guide them.
Nurture them.
Your warm radiating energy will do.
Hug them.
For they need it.
The flowers keep wilting,
For they know that you’ve gone.
They sing out their lonely, heartbroken song.

They long for your touch,
And care,
Breathing your water,
They thirst for your air.

They live out the days,
In their milky white vase,
Murky water subsiding,
Reflecting your face.
 Jan 2021 Smothered Divine
They say pain
makes poetry
so I wondered why
I hadn't been writing
then I remembered
pain is not what I'm feeling
it's what I'm yearning
in all this feeling
of numb
 Jan 2021 Smothered Divine
You swore you wouldn’t hurt me,
And I swear the ache in my bones is all your fault.

Or maybe it’s mine?
For giving in too easily,
For giving you too much of my heart.

And you know I’m terrified of drowning,
But this silence is consuming me.
Swelling my lungs.

This keeps happening,
Like the sun sets and the waves crash...
People keep leaving me.
When you were there, the sky was blue.
You were my universe, my all, my everything.
You caught me when I fell, comforted me,
Nursed me back to health.

But I should have seen that
You should have been on the bed
I should have been at your bedside.

Your tears traced lines into your cheeks
As you closed your eyes to me.
You never opened them again.

I        am       alone.

And I think
That your sad smiles,
Your pain
Carved a million scars deep into my soul.

When you were there, the sky was blue.
But now that you’re not, nature’s tears run down the streets.
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