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 Jan 2021 Smothered Divine
if death is the last word;
nothing else makes sense.
You provide
The illusion
Of shelter

But without
A solid foundation

I can only
Stand this
For so long.

I am like a chameleon,
I can change from form to form,
Sometimes I am a haiku,
Or maybe a senryu,
At times a classic sonnet,
Or a funny limerick,
And then I’m a lengthy ode,
(Your patience I won’t erode),
But whatever form I be,
You can always share with me.
from my "I" series :-)
looked for
love in
closed lips;
being deaf
to all the
rest calling
her name.

Why do we always love what we can’t have?... #D
 Jan 2021 Smothered Divine
are you fond of ghosts?
because i feel myself dissolving
space is here inside my ribs
want to reach through me?
i'd let you as long
as you speak softly.
if i'm a burden promise
you'll let me know
i want to be a song
a spoon and a pressed flower
in someone's favorite notebook
darling, i'm a wreck
look at me and see what i see
red eyes bleeding thi-
i am the monster in the mirror
and he is me
we dance like lovers
attached to a puppeteer's strings
will you hold these broken hands
and kiss my malignant lips
please you stupid *******
step into me which is the fading abyss
eat me alive make me
some kind of shape
rather than just a twisted line
my heart ******* exploded
a hundred times
for you
how do you feel?
because i feel dizzy from all this
oxygen between us
1,300 miles of static ice
i'd do anything to cross it
and get my heart broken
again. for you.
pretend i matter
if only
for a moment
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