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Skye Lawrence Mar 2019
You walk past me though you do not see me
You walk past me though you do not hear me
You stand by me without notice
I am here
I am there
All I want to know is that you care
I could vanish tomorrow
and this would be the end
Ignorance, and love shed
A pain so deep that it’s numb
Beyond control
Out of control
Me, you, them
To hold and to share ones thoughts can be the most important part in life to help to be open to feel free
Love is precious
Life is precious
You are precious  

                           By Skye
Late night thoughts
Skye Lawrence Mar 2019
The wind may Say it moves me but I don’t feel moved inside
Inside is a shallow death of self love and hate, my mind boggles me as to make a decision but a decision as to what
What should life be like
What should I accept
What can I change
Where am I
What am I
Who am I  
Skye Lawrence Mar 2019
The wind May Say it moves me
but I don’t feel moved.
The People say they love me
but I don’t feel loved.
The Doctors says he’ll cure me
but I don’t feel cured.
I’m not sure of the meaning
Skye Lawrence Mar 2019
When life is a struggle always think ahead,
Looking back will only cause
Trouble in your head
Your heart will ache forever
For you are no longer here
I may shed a tear throughout the year
But I promise you'll always be near
Skye Lawrence Mar 2019
I wait upon a psychic
To tell me alls okay
To wake me from my nightmare
And make the bad stuff go away
The pain is all so frightful
But yet the pain it all so real
I dream about a child
A child all quiet and still
I need her to come closer
Closer closer still
To bring me peace and happiness
To bring me happiness still..
Skye Lawrence Jun 2018
****, blunts, joints
They are the same endless termoile
Causing pain
And arguments
Constant disagreements
Why would society allow this
A form of escape that if you take it away
That person hates you
Resents you for
I’m not proud
I’m trying to protect you
From what I thought was true
I thought it was bad for you.

— The End —