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 Oct 2020 Zoe Grace
Chelsea Bacci
my lover twirls grace and beauty
between her fingertips
her golden hair gleams like sunlight
and her breath flows like wind
i can liken her to flowers
but they hold no candle to her
she moves like a river
gentle, slow, and flowing
i understand now the desire
that Eve had that day in Eden
aching to feel the sweet nectar
flow down her chin and to her breast
wanting to taste what she never could have
and, God, did it feel good.
I lost my breath
kissing you
and now I'm losing it again
missing you
 May 2020 Zoe Grace
 May 2020 Zoe Grace
There are no words
To describe
The person you love
You can give them
libraries of words
Symphonies of sonnets
But nothing can replace
The sincerity of one's chest

I like to say
your name

when you're
not here

turn you
into sound

conjure you out of
thin air

so that you appear
before me

dressed in sound

memory sketching in
the rest of you

as if sound
was just an outline

and love
colours you in

adding the voice last
so I can hear you say.

"Hello you..!"
and there you are

as present
as present

can be.

I like to say
your name

when you're
not there.
I love my family,
But,I miss my friends.
 Apr 2020 Zoe Grace
Hope Hutchins
Remember when life was as simple as running in a field and feeling happy
Money didn't matter
Greed didn't exist
It was free to fly
It was free to feel
It was free to smile
Everyone was one
Now everyone is gone
 Apr 2020 Zoe Grace
Never lose sight,
of a dawn
That awaits
your smile.
 Aug 2019 Zoe Grace
on a day like this
it's easy to be at peace.
breathe in:
breathe out.

a walk downhill
in the crisp winter air:
fills the lungs
and clears the head.
Winter 2019: sometime in February
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