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 Jun 2015 Maria
Her eyes
 Jun 2015 Maria
Her eyes
Were the shade of black
But a closer inspection
would tell you
*They were so much

Her eyes held chaos
Wrapped up in poetry,
Like constellations,
You could only read them
Once you get familiar
With the patterns

Her eyes are an endless night sky
With hope shimmering as stars,
All over,
A heavenly view to some,
For me the perfect place
to untangle my woes and live in

Her eyes are the kindest black hole
You'll ever see
Pulling you in and swallowing your insecurities and sadness up
Till only the real, unbroken you stand beside her

Her eyes are the tempest,
A door to another world,
And one part of your soul remains untouched
Unless you climb in her mind
And see the world through her eyes

Her eyes
Are the shade of black
But on closer look
You'll see
They are much more than that
They are the place I had to get lost first
To find my true self
Fall for someone who is gonna write about the way your hair smells and how your skin reminds him of his childhood home
Inside of us you should always reign
with poetry given the main game
the lamenting heart of a stars heart
like chorus in a distant land
echoing through your star lite chamber
Compassionate parts of poetry of tomorrow...
Capable of infinite sorrow
expressive eyes that see
such kindness
as much as me...

To be special in an indifferent world
makes no difference in your million years
In the mire of your worlds
you hang on to every syllable
when hurt comes in shades
you write and weep in your poetry...
A poet's life, not understood
many shake their heads and go
as each poet's days on paper are born
carrying a message to another's day
the immortal message maker of beauty
fires the souls of God's art, that cries for me...
Through my poetry my heart has grown
contacts are many that share their life
seek their poetry through each strife
sweet to all our visions giving air of love
surrounded by a blazing sphere of sweet doves ..
 Apr 2015 Maria
~The mindless premiere

of a




a handful may


a crowd of atoms...

with the

dear life of it All~
 Apr 2015 Maria
You're a one night stand
But we spent too many nights
I lost count of it.

You're that unexpected kiss
On a drunken wasted night
Of vomits and *****.

You're that awkward hi
Exchanged by strangers who
Thought they both knew each other
But were clearly mistaken for another.

You're the bruise that turns blue
When I accidentally bump my leg
On the corner of the bed.

You're the scar that I never
Knew I had.

You're the bittersweet taste in
My mouth every morning.

You're the last thought lingering
In my head before slumber takes me
And you're the vagueness that
Haunts me in my dreams.

You're the scalding hot shower
In a cold freezing morning.

You're the boiling tea that numbs
My tongue for the rest of the day.

You're the obsession
I will never learn to let go of.

You're that person I will
Never get to call mine.

You're the one that got away.
 Apr 2015 Maria
Artistic                                   Amazing
Beautiful   Bright                Capable   Caring
  Desirable   Delightful     Easy-going   Enough
      Funny   Generous   Helpful   honest   Important  
  Justified      Kind   I AM   Loveable   Mature
Needed   Original   Poetic   Quick-witted
Reliable   ****   Skilled   Truthful
Unstoppable   Valiant   Wise
X-elent    Youthful
Italic words are words I need more of a reminder on.
I encourage all of you to choose a positive word (or multiple) from each letter of the alphabet and write it down. Remind yourself every day what a remarkable person you are.
Love yourself. <3

*Agh, didn't get on all day today, but came home to find that this was selected as poem of the day and am so flattered and honored. Thank you so much to everyone for the kind comments. I'm so glad you all liked it. <3
 Mar 2015 Maria
Bruised Orange
You are not my children,
tender as you are.
You are not my lover,
though you cause my heart to yearn.
You are not my sun,
or my moon,
or my star.

I set you on this rock;
you will not make me burn.

You are simply sticks,
arranged upon the pyre.
You are clever tricks,
though you flaunt my clear desire.
You are not the match,
or the wick,
or the fire.

I set you on this rock;
To see what might transpire.

You will never be a pheasant's egg to be coddled.
You are only this: a calf led to the slaughter.
A poem addressed to my poems, in the midst of the dreaded poetry workshop, where my lovelies are torn to shreds.  An attempt to maintain distance, for the sake of learning.  It's hard.
 Mar 2015 Maria
Amanda Miller
The moon shines a cool blue tonight
as we entwine our fingers, laying on the baseball field
beneath diamond heavens. We lie
in silence, in the moments when the Universe reveals
itself, and contemplate the distances between one celestial body to
another, the space between
us growing as I turn south
to find Orion while you seek Cassiopeia in the north.

Shooting stars cross the sky, and we wish separately on dead
stars and dead dreams, lights already grown red and extinguished
as we whisper in the dark, passing
between phases.

And in the end we're all left searching.
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