You walked into my life so easy.
I made you apart of me so fast.
You told me you loved me and that we would last forever.
I knew it was a lie, I mean nothing last forever.
You slowly made me pray that you'd be my nothing, and really last forever.
But instead I slowly became nothing to you.
You knew I hadn't done anything with anybody before.
Not only did you come first in my life, but you were my first.
My first kiss, love, and everything else.
You also became the person that broke my heart for the first time.
You did it so simple.
Broke me so easy.
hurt me so hard.
Left me so fast.
Nothing last forever.
Not even your first everything.
because then there is a second, third , fourth, and so on.
I still love you. You are still my nothing. I hope we fix us. I hope you wake up and see it has and always will be you and I.
I don't know who this is about.