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Shane Roller Jul 2019
The only way to know
     Is to go...
Disappear in the night
     Disappear from your life

My love lies with you
     My destruction lies within you
And seeps into me

So I must go
     I must flee

I hope you miss me.
Shane Roller Jun 2019
Your kindness
     Amazes me
Your sweetness
     Soothes me
I drown in your smile
    I melt in your eyes
I’ve been in despair
    Yet you are always there

Waiting for me to lift my head
     And know its true
That happiness
     Is always there
With you
Shane Roller Apr 2019
That Whiskey bottle
Would drown me
If I let it

That Cigarette
Would smoke me
If I let it

Your Love
Would destroy me
If I let it

But I won't let it

I mean too much to me
To let that happen anymore
Shane Roller Apr 2019
I don't want to read the news
          I want to immerse myself
                     In you
  Apr 2019 Shane Roller
Jim Davis
How to poet a life away

Toss the trite learned

Skip grammar mostly too

Rhyme or not is all yours

Step to drummer unheard

Believe in life yet untold

Read a thousand times

More than you write

Live, so you will know

What you are talking about

Take wild leaps in mind

Without losing it too far

Write not only about love

Although that’s all there

Really is or really is not

Fall in some love also

More than simply once

With not only your words

But others in thought

Wishing to poet too

©  2017 Jim Davis
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