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 Mar 2016 Sierra Brown
The Ripper
I am lost to the winds, but a feather, nor you the wearer -
This time is brief and incandescent,
a well salted egression ... A trade in place -
Too otherworldly for you so I sail the ocean alone,
you are shorelined and it's time -
 Mar 2016 Sierra Brown
Ysa Pa
 Mar 2016 Sierra Brown
Ysa Pa
A rose in the snow
A diamond in a plow
A single cloud on a hot day
A lone bud amongst the flowers of May
A sole tree on a cliff
Amidst lines, there is a hieroglyph
A white lily in a field of red tulips
A solar eclipse
A volcano in the ocean
A center of planetary revolution
An aurora atop icy regions
A rainbow above desert nations
A sunset in the sea
A sunrise in the city
A moon in the afternoon sky
A mother's unique lullaby
A bright evening star in a cloudy night
Within darkness, a presence of a candlelight
Still, nothing can compare
To you, none would resemble, none can dare
You are beyond comparison
And I can only provide one reason
I don't shiver or stutter when you're present
Around you, it just feels pleasant
I've never met anyone like you
Nor heard anyone say my name like you do
When the sound of my name slides from those lips
I feel safe
You make me feel safe to be me
You make me feel safe
 Mar 2016 Sierra Brown
The Ripper
You embrace me like a loving mother
& complete my anticipation,
holding my hand all the while,
gazing into my eyes.
You lull me into rest, oh Death,
lover of flesh.
 Mar 2016 Sierra Brown
The Ripper
No* *extra salt on these taste buds
  Garlic; a thing of the past
     Cinnamon; might as well be Garlic
        never, a bath in the sun switches it on
          However: it seems I'm not allergic
             to  the taste of your beautiful ruin,
               it's magic, the dark
                  *all consuming
 Mar 2016 Sierra Brown
The Ripper
Pardon me if I stare too long
but your dentition
                              turns my thoughts
to dark craft
                       in my nooks and crannies
What did I just drop you ask?

Oh nothing
                       those are just my pliers
 Mar 2016 Sierra Brown
The Ripper
perforated rhythm
the pith of you
that keeper of epochs
and secrets
placed at an end
on a table
through dark adroitness
I became
God and Death
on that
 Mar 2016 Sierra Brown
The Ripper
The magic behind
that unknown;
what holds it up?
Against time;
above it all:
a reflection to tell
on every move,
a midnight wonder.
Cast from the teeth
of perennial being;
closed eyes make
not a difference.
 Mar 2016 Sierra Brown
The Ripper
Waiting patiently
for you
in the dark
that place you
                  bash your reservations in
                  like a piñata
devour you whole
as the *****
I was meant to be
you were borne unto me
to die in my arms
 Mar 2016 Sierra Brown
The Ripper
I always figured
  there was something
something deeply wrong
with me
   but then I come here
to see
that there is
more of something wrong
with all of you
   I suppose misery loves company
or so I have been told
  but I would know of no such thing
    as all of my company
is buried
by sore shoulders
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