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 May 2018 Sarah Swan
Inner Beauty
 May 2018 Sarah Swan
she had a heart
that could light up the sky
she had a smile
that would brighten the gloom
on a winters morning
she had the laugh
that could remove all your worries
she had the will
To stand up for what is right

but she hid her beauty
beneath scarves and long sleeved shirts
covered for everyone not to see
that behind those mask and clothes
is an angel, too fragile for this world

her beauty remained hidden
until i told her what she had
that i appreciated her no matter what
even with flaws that she really never had

on that day she pondered and learned
that not everything is judged by the outside
 May 2018 Sarah Swan
Ann Beaver
Have you noticed
birds are in the trees
And they are flying
And singing
And living a thousand lives
Of which you know nothing,
That magic, have you noticed it?
In the way your eyes know to blink
and the moon knows to rise
and the world still blooms and spins
It lives
It thrives
it dies.
I sat in silence yet nature was singing
With different hues of the sky so blue illuminating
the evergreens and aspen trees
I don't know exactly what it means to me
But I know it's something special
and deep
Life's about seeing beauty in the little things

These mountains, they're wise
They're lonely but they listen
Take a walk outside with them
And you'll find
that they'll take you
far deeper within
Not quite finished but getting somewhere with this. Late night poetry.
 Apr 2018 Sarah Swan
Do not worry about your life,
Or what you will eat,
Or what you will drink,
Or about your body,
Or what you will wear.
Is life not more than food?
And the body more than clothes?

Look at the birds of the air.
They do not plant or harvest or store away in barns,
And yet they never lack anything to eat.
Are you not much more valuable than they?

Can you add a single hour to your life by worrying?

And why do you worry about clothes?
Look at the sunset in the sky,
It does not work or mend,
Yet not even the finest apparel can match its beauty.

If that’s how the sky is painted,
Which is here a moment and is lost to time in the next,
Will you not be clothed in even greater majesty?
You who cannot even see past the horizon?

So do not worry about:
What you will eat,
Or what you will drink,
Or what you will wear.
For men run after all these things,
And get lost in greed and emptiness.

But instead seek first:
And Love;
And the Well Being of others.
Then you will never be lacking in anything you need.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow,
For tomorrow will worry about itself.
For each day has enough trouble of its own.
Inspired by Matt 6:25-34
 Apr 2018 Sarah Swan
Ann Beaver
If I could love
the limping
part of me
That I drag through the mud
and thorns

If I could let
the transparent
silhouette speak
Instead of kicking it
into the basement

If I could put
my deepest human essence
onto paper
for everyone to see

Then, I could be free.
 Apr 2018 Sarah Swan
reaching the back of you

not sure I could.      not sure i would.
       scent of the crime uncommitted uncovered

the meandering is the man demigod demagogue taking
         pleasured mercy
                                         the remaindered searchingly
                                                                ­                                 suffices

you don’t speak plain english the only tongue i got
insert the coin in your slot commencing researching the
way in and
don’t think i want to find the way out to the
back of you hiding in the inside learning the way you visualize

playing amy winehouse as an overlaying graph to the autoroute
to the south of france, sur-la-mer, why ever leave and you come
in my mouth poems new each time

no exit. no back of you.  stuck in a longingly heaven

this house is my home and I know the sun brightest
when i put my coin in the slot of play and press the
new tune button at 4:10AM
thanks for the quirky comments for this quirky poem.  Not my normal style. Inspired by a poet here who writes quirky poems, many of which, I fail too, to fully comprehend. The only way I could hope to understand them was to  "insert the coin in your slot commencing researching the way in and  don’t think i want to find the way out to the back of you, hiding in the inside learning the way you exit. no back of you.  stuck in a longingly heaven" and getting stuck, unsure if I want to reach...

— The End —