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 May 2014 Victoria Johnson
"hey, did you draw that?"

No, I stole it, foolish fool

How else would it work?
 May 2014 Victoria Johnson
Oh crud a person

I need to say some words now

"Um hi name is yes"
maybe not that bad but still
people man
 May 2014 Victoria Johnson
 May 2014 Victoria Johnson
think I understand

the thingy goes over here

right? um, no? well, ****.
alternate title-assembly required
 May 2014 Victoria Johnson
usb goes here

oh wait is it upside down?

it's not. I was wrong.
 May 2014 Victoria Johnson
she says -
if i carve your name onto my ribcage in the morning before the sun comes up will it come true? will it **** you this time?
maybe ill lie down so that you can pick me apart,
fingernails breaking on my iron skin
would you like that?
 May 2014 Victoria Johnson
such a simple word, but I love it.
she breathes
and she does every single day.
she breathes on
on what? depends.
she breathes on my
my, my, my, what do we have here..oh..
she breathes on my skin
and I wish to never feel anything other than this feeling in this exact moment in time because in all honestly, *nothing
has ever felt this pure.
she breathes on my skin and
and? and?! what more can be done?
she breathes on my skin and calms
calms... me.
she breathes on my skin and calms my
my heart. my mind. my ever breaking spirit and soul.
she breathes on my skin and calms my mind
and she does. all I ever hear is my mind, but during these moments, our souls connect and I feel at peace.
I love her, I truly do.
Almost three months javajvaiavanahaparkerbaoavmwgansh<3 I love you L!
My mother is...

A superhero with no powers,
A knight with no armor,
A queen with no kingdom,
A gift with no ribbons,
A star with no award.

My mother is...

A tiger with stripes,
A life giver,
A home,
A friend,
A hug,
A kiss,
A frown,
A smile.

My mother is...


My mother is...

My reason for existence,
My inspiration,
My motivation,
& God's creation.

Happy Mothers Day!
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