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Love is accepting
That's not what I gave
It wasn't love
But a harsh lesson from above
A desire to save
That put our ties in a grave
We succumbed to the hail
This love doomed to fail
My love has grown cold
And due to betrayal
Where once I was bold
I'm now just a baby
Or so I've been told
It put out my sun
I search for red flags
And see evil in everyone
Like they're hiding a gun
Too much happiness is like an illness
that you lie in bed for waiting until it
leaves your body.

Just as you are laughing, cracking up,
closing your eyes and throwing your head back,
you get well again. And stop laughing.

I couldn't imagine a lifetime of being sick
with happiness. I've never been sick for
more than a week. My immune system
is far too strong.
A World searching
Confused by the Devil
One that is Evil
Heaven above high
Earth watcher being Thy
Thy is the reason to pray
Faith behind the relay
Living each and every day
Spiritual blending
Mercy and Grace bonding
Blessings to look upon
Longevity beyond
Thy who here’s prayer
One who is never alone
The test of time
Thy who is genuine
Heavenly one being gentle and kind
Weather any storm
This is the norm
Praying in the asking
Honest heart in receiving
Until being Thys will
Be still
Peaceful and humble
Thy is able
Wonder being Heaven’s Marvelous
It’s all obvious
Truth in trust
It involves all of us
I see the beauty flowers show;
imagine in the wild—
My oversight before July
had been a blindness mild.
The beetle brought her grandness by
erupting sight untold—
walking the dark night
footprints of something old
softly plodding
the sun shines
through the window
dust moats  
like stardust
gently laying kisses
upon paper skin

close your eyes  
clouds drift in
the blue sky
the mist hangs low
with lashes blinking

seeing without seeing
knowing without knowing
feel love
my love
know peace

yes settle

settle gently between this
and what dreams
lay beyond
dream of kindness

paper thin
it dances under
your skin

breathe starlight
my love
the breeze is within you
takes you

float upon its warmth
silver stars wait for you
silver white
filled with light

my love

paper thin
If there were a story asked,
and the asker were as weary as me,

I might ask the asker what good
could a half told story be.

The asker answers, well then,
begin at the end,
then we all rest easy, knowing
it all works out.
As the grands grow too old for such silliness, they listen to Audible,
and I listen along, longer, usually, unless we begin at the end.
You aren’t with me
This harbour is lost
The stale air that I breathe
It is simply washed by the sea

The sweet air
The silence
The agony and despair
Is all left of this place

Nature says
What the heart knows
This empty bay
Filled with promises of yesterday
A spoonful of honey to engage my tongue
And the rest of the healing has ever since begun
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