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Andie Oct 2017
drifting through
one red drop of blood

weaving rivers
flow between our cracked roots
            past the waterfall

   floating to falling
blood to breath
     in, release
   out; flow

For him
Andie Oct 2017
your words are just
growing deep in my lungs ; ears ; brain
filling me with dirt and deceit
but a **** is a plant in the wrong place
but a flower is a plant in the right place
Andie Oct 2017
Deep perfume seeps still from the fallen rose Down down endlessly  
filling the air with all that is pure, and soon all that is not    
diamonds glisten upon its skin Sparkling in the summer heat, he  
knows this won't be the end

moisture condenses around his roots, the tree growing up into  
heaven, life surging around him, springing, growing, ripping  
through the thick and crusted earth. Pun i ca gra na tum is such a complex word for what here has come to pass. the roots shooting     down and spreading, their mirrors filling the sky, soaking up our  
shining beams of phantasmal brilliance.

Only those loved have names wouldn't you Agree some are special 
to the producing world, and Others are left to rot, take the fruit of a morning lily, no one loves her, yet she bears all the same

something stirs within his being, some new body grows out from  
inside, some new some new some new something new. The sky fills
with blood espousal carillon, their pods filling rich and new,  
chiming out for all to hear the dawn rising, the birds flying, yes,
hear them fly above as you watch their song paint the sky in cool
purples and blues.

Color is so trite and love is so outdated and there are those who
wish for the end of the world as well Creation falling to the Ground
as the rosebud does in winter

united in final ecstasy, the bells descend as dying mistrals unveil
our sinking crown, sound-bow dripping away
For him
Andie Oct 2017
is where the Elk River falls
from a rocky and considerable height, turning pale with trepidation at the lip
(it seemed from where I stood below)
before it is unbuckled from itself
and plummets, shredded, through the air
into the shadows of a frigid pool, so calm around the edges, a place
for water to recover from the shock
of falling apart and coming back together
before it picks up its song again,
goes sliding around the massive rocks
and past some islands overgrown with weeds
then flattens out and slips around a bend
and continues on its winding course,
according to this camper’s guide,
then joins the Clearwater at its northern fork,
which must in time find the sea
where this and every other stream
mistakes the monster for itself,
sings its name one final time
then feels the sudden sting of salt
By Billy Collins - another favorite
Andie Oct 2017
Then all the nations of birds lifted together
the huge net of the shadows of this earth
in multitudinous dialects, twittering tongues,
stitching and crossing it. They lifted up
the shadows of long pines down trackless slopes,
the shadows of glass-faced towers down evening streets,
the shadow of a frail plant on a city sill—
the net rising soundless as night, the birds' cries soundless, until
there was no longer dusk, or season, decline, or weather,
only this passage of phantasmal light
that not the narrowest shadow dared to sever.

And men could not see, looking up, what the wild geese drew,
what the ospreys trailed behind them in silvery ropes
that flashed in the icy sunlight; they could not hear
battalions of starlings waging peaceful cries,
bearing the net higher, covering this world
like the vines of an orchard, or a mother drawing
the trembling gauze over the trembling eyes
of a child fluttering to sleep;
                                                     it was the light
that you will see at evening on the side of a hill
in yellow October, and no one hearing knew
what change had brought into the raven's cawing,
the killdeer's screech, the ember-circling chough
such an immense, soundless, and high concern
for the fields and cities where the birds belong,
except it was their seasonal passing, Love,
made seasonless, or, from the high privilege of their birth,
something brighter than pity for the wingless ones
below them who shared dark holes in windows and in houses,
and higher they lifted the net with soundless voices
above all change, betrayals of falling suns,
and this season lasted one moment, like the pause
between dusk and darkness, between fury and peace,
but, for such as our earth is now, it lasted long.
By Derek Walcott - one of my favorites
Andie Oct 2017
Beating fast, thrusting deep, and pooling out
filling the air and fluttering down, leaves in fall,
No beginning and no end, no opposition or alternate
light has dark, friends have enemies, the moon has the sun
yet love lies alone, single, and disconnected

lost, left to the wolves, lingering in the shadows, as the couples spin 'round in their merry dance, warring without remorse, battling until they have become extinguished, broken by their own force

love and hate, are just
two words

for passion
For me
Andie Jul 2017
The cool breeze rustles the umbrella overhead
I dig my toes deeper into the warm sand, feeling the sun's tepid rays soak into my legs as a seagull drifts gently in the wind
I recline, watching the glistening waves crash down upon the compacted brown shore
Looking over, I see ice cream dripping down the cone onto the soft alluvium beach
I let it, why not?
Summer time fun
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