Uff! This life,
Not every moment brings happiness.
I don’t even need happiness every moment,
I just need the one, who brings happiness in moments.
The one who stays with me,
In the troubles of my heart, with troubles of my mind,
In the painful days, in the nights that betrays.
There is peace everywhere,
but my mind remains restless every moment.
It’s the story of every night,
when even in silence, my mind stirs.
The stories of the entire day, of the bad days, that haunt me,
Bad memories, bad things, bad companionship, that taunt me,
Every moment reminds me,
of what I wish to forget,
What should I do with this mind,
this heart, that torments?
In that moment, I need a support,
To conquer those moments,
I have to cavort,
To calm my mind, to life my heart, I need a support,
To live, to grow, to do, I need a fort.
I am not asking for wealth, nor am I asking for riches,
I want that, who will stitch my stitches,
I set out in the world, searching for it,
I don’t know its whereabouts, yet searching for it.
I walked alone for it, for something that has no trace,
I have only this hope in my heart, that someone will come across my pace...
This one's english translation of my Hindi poem...