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  Dec 2020 Jena T
Ashly Kocher
I stand at the edge of a waterfall
Watch the water glide down and cascade away
I close my eyes, imagining my pain floating away
Just like the waterfall, I do too release the burden I carry everyday
Allowing the calming sounds of nature around me, soothe my soul and relax my mind, taking me back in time
A time of simplicity, love and peace
A time of happiness within me
Wounds don’t define me
Scars tell my story
Even if the scars are invisible
My heart still feels pain
I stand at the edge of a waterfall
Letting my pain, fall over the edge, simply floating away...
Jena T Dec 2020
My dear,
If I were to write you a song,
I'd surely fill my lungs

My dear,
If I were to write you a letter,
I'd surely kiss the sun
Burst into a thousand flames

My dear,
If I were to write your final words,
My pen would bleed
Of all you've been
And never seen

My dear,
If you learned I wrote your story,
Would you understand
Forgive me the tears
The loss within,
If you knew each line was a beautiful creation of mine?

My dear,
You are always mine
From infants cry
To burial time
Don't despair today
This line will become yesterday
You haven't seen my melodies or poetry
We'll kiss the sun another day.
  Dec 2020 Jena T
Carlo C Gomez
Moonlit angels keep turning the wheels of the universe

In conversations with God, they placed the Sun precisely in the centre

Alarum and escapement keep the gear train moving forth:

Astronomical clock, armillary sphere, lunar phases in sidereal time

All patterns of evidence -- releasing our impulses, advancing our hands

Jena T Dec 2020
I see them in the night
Feel cool whispers on my neck
Dancing in midnight sun
Shadows run
Down the street
Behind the willows weep
In the canyons
And monolithic retreats
Is a lone tree
Where the shadows dance and sing
Hear them now?
They speak of you and me
Jena T Nov 2020
Mighty pine
Age has rotted your branches
Your roots no longer caressed by vines
Your needles have fallen
Eighty feet high
You've touched the sky
Heard its whispers and sweet mysteries
Now you sway dangerously
A stiff wind shakes you horribly.

Mighty pine
You've seen seasons pass
Longer than many alive
Now it is time to rest
Your wood turns into a sweet smoke
An offering to the sky you reached
Freedom from your solid stance
A guardian you no longer need to be
Be free and kiss the sky for me
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