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Imagine a life where you're truly free,
Trusting yourself, letting go with gracefully.
No more doubts holding you back,
Just courage to follow the right track.

Believe in your strength, believe in your worth. Embrace each moment, cherish your birth. Let go of fears that weigh you down,
Rise above, don't let them get you down.

Take a leap of faith, spread your wings wide. Fly high, with confidence by your side.
Embrace the freedom, embrace the light,
Shine bright, with all your might.

So imagine a life where you're truly free,
Trust yourself, let go and just be.
You have the power, you have the key,
To live a life that's happy and carefree. Love Vange
  Sep 6 PuellaGratiae
Carefully removing posters from the wall
But the tape always catches
And rips at the edges,
Never careful enough
And like the tape
I never escape
Without a piece of them
Always with me
  Sep 3 PuellaGratiae
Dear beautiful evergreen
rooted down in the field
strongly upholding itself
like it has an impenetrable shield

The one that has experienced blazing summers
and freezing winters
not only seen warfare
but watched it from the center
winds blew it west and east
but it never went left or right
had blood on its leaves
but never got into a fight

Dear beautiful evergreen
That stands there all yearlong
keep your roots rooted
and continue to be strong
  Sep 3 PuellaGratiae
Im so glad
The troubles
Don't last
So, so glad
Troubles don't
Last forever
If it's
An offering
You know
I'll bring it
Cause you so worthy
So, so worthy
Of all praise
My life for you
I'm gonna live it
Every ounce I get.
Somebody has to be
the last goodbye,
the last goodbye kiss.
The last time someone leaves,
the last time someone never comes back.

Someone has to be the one
that turns and walks away,
maybe looking back
that final time, before
looking forever away

Someone has to be
the last taillights disappearing
into the night

Someone has to be that last, last one,
before that finally forever last one
kisses you forever.
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