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 Oct 2018 Charlotte
Ashly Kocher
Can you hear me?
I’m down here...
6 feet under...
Not where I’m suppose to be
You come and visit me
I hear you constantly pray
To talk to me again
Hold my hand
Hug me tight
Well I’m right here
I hear everything you say
I cry with you
I laugh with you
I pray with you
I am always with you
Even from 6 feet under
I pray myself
To heal your pain
Dry your eyes
Help you move on
Don’t forget me
You know where I am
Always in your heart
Forever your friend
I will continue to grow old with you
Until we meet again
When we walk together in the sky
Holding each others hands
For now I stay
6 feet underground
Loving you
Praying with you
Hearing your voice
As I lay in silence
6 feet underground...
Wrote this from the perspective of a person who has passed away and what they see and feel everyday....
 Oct 2018 Charlotte
When people tell me
That I'm strong
I'm beautiful
I'm amazing...
I don't feel anything.
Tell me these things
When I cry about the pain
That has lasted me years,
When I'm up at night
Even when I'm lacking sleep,
When I'm expected to smile
My whole life when I don't feel your warmth.

This ice palace I reside in,
Is it my lifeline?
Because if it is
Wouldn't it be better if
It melted?

All these moments
Have become entangled
And the momentary lapses
My world all
I just can't do this.

But my calls are stuck
In my throat.
I'm frozen.
I'm not resilient.
It's taking me so long
So long
To stand up.
And my heart is giving up
It's beat
 Oct 2018 Charlotte
Penguin Poems
Writers block is just a giant wall
blocking an even rockier path than the one you're on
Once you find a topic,
you can't find the first word,
the first rhyme,
the first line,
the first stanza,
and I throw my hands up in anger
because I end up writing words in order random
or words to make the lines rhyme sandal

My search history is 99%
"words that rhyme with this or that"
Search results: sat, flat, cat
well that doesn't make sense within the context
but ***** making sense or metaphors or deep lore that you have to analyze,
why can't I just write out my feelings without the right rhymes?
I thought poetry was my remedy,
but it's also my demise.
I just started writing and this is where I got ye haw
 Oct 2018 Charlotte
 Oct 2018 Charlotte
*      *      *      and you are      *      *            
   *           *  just­ like the moon *      *          
*        *   *      -----so, alone-----      *      *    
   *      *    but you shine bright  *      *    
*     *            at the darkest  *      *     *
   *      *      *     of times  *      *      *      *    
*           *           *           *         *          
the loving is folded inside the aching.
the rich and deep is the sandy beaches reflecting in a million directions —
the light blinding and the earth burning, it is everything
at once.
the splendor of magnitude contained in a moment,
the moment is bursting at the seams now.
the thread unravels as the sheets unveil the
limitlessness of time - the error of its conception,
the paradox of infinite finitude, of finite infinity—
we are living life in the spaces between certainties.
we find our rhythm to the music of experience
and we fall into ourselves, and find home between our ribs,
nestling into the cavity of being, we trip into each other,
fall in embrace, and rise in ecstasy of laughter.
we are copper rays of light, exuberant !
flitting between the maple leaves
we dance with the tails of grass
we hum in synchrony till the moon reflects our lily cheeks.
and we taste the stars and see the galaxies behind our eyes,
the construct of days fade away and it is only space
between certainties of light and dark
and we inhabit it with a bold stomp and a wild laugh.
eyes that dive into mine
you swim in the blue green of my irises
and sink to the dark abyss of my pupil
i think you could drown

a voice that sings in prose
the rhythm and tone sweeps and glides
you speak as if every word is an entire poem
you must like how your voice sounds

a body that moves like the long grass in the wind
effortless saunter you grace the air  
your skin stretches to contain your essence
i wonder where your body will usher you

a mind that i do not yet know
tumbling with philosophies and theories
an artist an architect of emotions
you live in your mind
Am I one of the people I have hurt?
Maybe I could come back and apologize to myself first
comfort my own mind and soul
before tending to those outside myself
Because if I am one of the people I have hurt
I deserve my own forgiveness
 Aug 2018 Charlotte
I remember crying because I failed to put the pedal on my bicycle
I remember the day when I got hit by my old friend for hiding his marbles
I remember the lies, tears, and dullness for which I created
When I was younger, gazillion times I always thought about the miracle
I remember those nights when my mom put me in bed and became a storyteller
Telling me how easily people fly crossing islands which was beyond the normal
Sometimes, I wish I could have that superpower
Wish someday when I get older, I would be a perfect girl
People would forget my stupidities and give me that label
That, is, miracle.

The cycle comes, and little me was gone

Hello nineteen me, 

Welcome to another bedtime story
When you could pick a dream, but not really sure whether it'll be real or just fantasy
Still hoping that might you be a prodigy,
But you forget about the term of mental therapy
I do really sorry,
Your timeline didn't go as you planned
The majority of them was dreadfully failed
Haven't you realized it?
How many pains did you have?
How ­many failures did you receive?
And how many silly things did you do?
There are too many to be counted.

You always doing dumb things
Procrastinating in something,
And jeopardizing everything, 
You are so embarrassing that you even couldn't bear with your own being
You always try yet you always fail
You always walk though you always want to fly
You always attempt to smile yet you do a lot of cries
You compare yourself to other people
You always think their life is much easier
You start blaming yourself about your awful character
Loathing your asymmetric face for not getting prettier
Cursing how bad annoying voice out of your manner
And blah.

Out of time, wish I could rewind the time
Wish I never wanted to dream to have superpower
Wish I never wanted to dream it at all

I regret dreaming for some miracle
Cos' miracles are unattainable
In fortune, there is only fate.
idk, sometimes i just want to spit them out to the world
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