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 Jul 2018 Charlotte
The poet lives two lives.
One on the outside,
And one in their mind.

When you look in their eyes
You could see an abyss.

If you looked long enough
You could sink into it.

But most people don’t see it.

Take the time to read the words, though,
And you would know for sure.

The poet lives in two different worlds.
A little escape from the madness.
Or maybe, into.
 Jul 2018 Charlotte
Blade Maiden
I take my imaginary pen
I write down my anger
I close my eyes and count to ten
just to breathe a little longer

It's laughable really
when I see you justifying
Sure, you're all touchy-feely
only goodwill, so hard-trying

When you said that to me
where was your heart at?
Why calling me your better-half-to-be
when all you wanted was a shoulder pat?

Oh you, with your wonderful poetry,
oh, lies so beautifully written down
please just stop, you don't know no poverty
in your emerald sea everything you wanted me to believe is to drown

I never thought you would make me think
the worst of you instead
And I swear I could only stand and stare and shrink
when you didn't care to lose your head

Now you haunt me like the headless horseman
and you will forever
but I do not worry for my sanity, oh boy of thoughts turned cyan
I walked with ghosts before and a headless one is so less clever

And if you ever come back looking for this head of yours
Think twice, try a little bit harder wannabe
It might stick out of the sand at your emerald sea shores
Your love for me was never poetry
 Jul 2018 Charlotte
joe thorpe
I have never seen an apple more red
than my heart when it bleeds
the green grass and my jealousy meet
my soul has been charcoal
all ***** and black
leaving a mess on everything
when I look back
and Love would be like gold
if digging it didn't
**** people
our left over obsession
from our work
when the aliens made us
i don't go outside
so I stay in the shadows
Fawn lifted me out of my shallow
Another instalment in my series of failed Love attempts. That's quite an exaggeration here.
Am I one of the people I have hurt?
 Jul 2018 Charlotte
 Jul 2018 Charlotte
they say that self-pity is the worst medicine
but then again
you were my worst habit
 May 2018 Charlotte
this is not a poem
I just turned 20 and i feel lost and still do not have my **** together as I feel like all 20 years old do and should
if you are of age or older
please leave your advice, stories, words below

at this point, anything would help to keep me from freaking out about my impending doom
i appreciate it
and look forward to hearing from you soon

 Mar 2018 Charlotte
 Mar 2018 Charlotte
you were like a van Gogh painting
so colorful and vibrant but always so melancholy
and i couldn't always figure out what and why
but perhaps that's why i found you so beautiful
 Feb 2018 Charlotte
 Feb 2018 Charlotte
they say that when a goblin cries
it pours even in the brightest morning
when a goblin smiles
flowers bloom even in the midst of winter
 Feb 2018 Charlotte
 Feb 2018 Charlotte
My dreams were always vague, simple
to be happy
to lead and live the life I was meant to lead
to save the world

those whispered thoughts kept in the small vials of my heart
kept me going and kept me working
for an obscure THE DREAM

but I think, I finally found THE DREAM
secured it inside the confined space between my hands  
i  know now what I want and was meant to become

and THE DREAM scares me, worries me, stresses me at the sake of failure and my insignificance and my insufficiency
but most of all it flutters the sleeping butterflies and churns the blood of my tired silent heart

*and I simply can't wait for it to be real
i finally found what I want to be and the first week of 2018 isn't even over
here's to keeping my heart fluttering even when busting my *** to make THE DREAM into a reality.
here's to new beginnings and farewell to my ****** habits
here's to a start to the greatest year of my life.
We all harbor hurts
Deep twistings and breakings
That gnaw at our insides
Trying to find their voice their life
They crawl from our belly up our throats and knock at the back of our teeth
But we swallow them whole
Push them down the slide of our esophagus
Because we are afraid
And we don’t want to let them speak
Because we know they are such deep
Twistings and breakings
They are the essence of the cracks within us
But when we do not open our toothy door at their knock
They find other ways
They claw at muscles and organs
They pull our bodies to consciously unintended ends
They seep out sideways
So mangled and unintelligible
That we forget their origin
And we don’t understand how our actions
Are based from our deep
Twistings and breakings
Long rejected
Left to fend for themselves in our neglect

— The End —