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 Nov 2024 Casper Lake
Varsha K
From here to you I say
Writing is your healing,
Never let it get away.
The community of lovers, hurts, addicts, wonderers & wanderers.
Pick me up,
And open my cover,
But be careful,
Cause I might crumble,
Read my fine print,
Just don’t mock the way I am,
I’ve been through alot since then,
Heart breaks,
And more,
Are all the things you’ll find,
In my novel.
 Nov 2024 Casper Lake
My feelings are rain
Pouring down
Messing up plans
Gloomy things they are
The raindrops build
Coming together
More and more
Until they start to flood the city of my mind
And then I write
And it's like suddenly
A sewer has appeared
 Nov 2024 Casper Lake
My mom
Is music
watching Gilmore girls with takeout thai food
and comfort

My Dad
Is loudness
Uncontrollable anger
And reluctant love

My cat
Is laying in bed with me when I cry
Stealing my food
And making me laugh even when I don't want to

My friend
Is bubbles
Singing let it go as loud as we can at 2am
And walking around downtown super fast as we talk

My extended family
Is 13 hour plane rides
Friday night dinners
And having ice cream on the balcony
Maybe it doesn't make sense to you, but it makes perfect sense to me
 Nov 2024 Casper Lake
No one listened to her
When it was her turn to talk
So I look her in the eyes and say
"I'm listening"
And I wasn't kidding
 Nov 2024 Casper Lake
I could almost look normal
If every 5-20 minutes
I go to the bathroom to
And take a break
It's really helpful
Flowers you planted bloom in my lungs,
bright oranges and burning reds
their roots weave an intricate cage around my heart
but although they may look pretty,
I find I cannot breathe.
The afternoon sun opens the day
wiping the morning mist from the sky.
A robin sits on a mossy wall
overlooking the glistening valley,
basking its little chest.
I speak to it,
words gentle, soft and kind.
It looks at me,
a gaze curious, yet knowing,
seeming quiet at its best.
Suddenly, with a song
it takes to the sky,
where old memories lie,
before its ancestors sang,
the caged bird's song.
 Nov 2024 Casper Lake
 Nov 2024 Casper Lake
I have a fascination with
all things love,
Daydreams constructing expectations
and a daily need for a thing which
I have yet to experience,
It's an obsession which has
evolved into a fear ~
Fear of a broken heart,
of a lonely life,
of distracted dreams.

~ Funny my ability to
 Nov 2024 Casper Lake
 Nov 2024 Casper Lake
The things you’ve said
The things that happened
Burned in my memories
I close my eyes
It all plays on repeat
Like a broken record
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