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330 · Apr 2019
The Weird Kid
PattyDatty Apr 2019
I feel lonely
So lonely

No love
Never loved

So lonely
So cold

So loved
So warm

Yet, I hurt
Yet, I smile

What is this?
Where is this?

Lost in myself and yet completely aware of my being
Constantly lost without a problem deemed

Just lonely
Looking for love

Just lonely
Wishing that I was loved

If I go, will I be loved?
If I stay, will I find love?

So lonely
So cold

So loved
So warm

Just leave me alone
But, please, never go

Just please, leave me alone
Just please, help me
Just please, me

So lonely
So warm in its embrace

So lonely
So lost without a trace

My emo moment lasting longer than expected
To people dealing with this, you are much respected

Still lonely
But a little happier

Still happy
But just a little bit lonelier :')

Good music playing, washing all my worries away
"What was I worried for anyway?"

Still lonely but still happy
Don't me today, just a bit yappy.

Don't me, just happy
Don't mind me, just a bit yappy :-D
Just loneliness
300 · May 2019
Loneliness and Happiness
PattyDatty May 2019
Lonely days ahead
Lonely days have passed

Is loneliness all that awaits me?
Is there light at the end?

Is emptiness my only friend?
Is solitude my only reprise?

I say nay!!

I shall fight this fate and find my faith
My faith in a brighter fate.

A new tale is born.
One where loneliness is a tale of days gone by.
One where happiness is for brighter days ahead.

I shall write a new tale.
My tale

I shall no longer chase my tail
My happiness shall no longer be curtailed
Just expressing myself

— The End —