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 Jul 2023 Pagan Paul
In that time of our lives
When spirit seeks out truth
Let us not become the victims
Of our lazy minded youth

But rather be thorough
And do this on your own
Check behind each parable
Cleverly crafted, carved in stone

Beware the Old Wives Fables
Let the pictorial language paint
The kingdoms of the garden
Full of sinners, lacking saints

Cast out into the deserts
False believers would surely die
Yet it's more than superstition
Keeping us alive

Traveler 🧳 Tim
Fate is a neon-lit pinball machine
And I am a little steel ball
Dodging the "tilt" sign as best I can
How many of you remember pinball machines
How many of you don't know what they are
The ability to look up does not come from the eyes, but from the heart's desire to redirect the mind towards the infinity from which it comes.

Penny Black ©
The hope that once gave us strength in the morning fades away by dusk, much like the light fades at sunset, making way for darkness.
The glimmer of hope has endured so much that it has chosen to depart, never to be found again.
Now that night has descended, I realize that it was all a futile endeavor... the longing for a meaningful and fulfilling day remains unresolved.
Enveloped by darkness, I acknowledge that I pursued goals as distant as the stars.
I was a fool trapped by an illusion - from the Earth, the stars appeared close together, but in reality, they were separated by thousands upon thousands of light-years.
Yet, I find solace in resting and gazing at the sky, dreaming of reaching a goal as distant as a star.
Closing my eyes now, I can only imagine myself after having conquered those elusive aspirations.
In the darkness of death, where stillness descends and blankets me with the comfort of peace, the unfulfilled desire surrenders to the simple wish of keeping these eyes closed, wanting nothing more.

Penny Black ©
My dad once built a shed out of old doors

Each odd colours he'd collect along his travels, when one grew tired and porous another would take its place

Even the floor was doors

I dreamt of opening them to secret places and posted letters through the slots hoping it would reach them

But they never opened, and all that remained was my father grey and aged in his shed made of doors.
Inspired by the father of  a friend
 Jul 2023 Pagan Paul
Anais Vionet
It’s a firework holiday,
so let’s light up the night,
wave the stars and stripes,
eat barbecue and drink bud light.

We’ll celebrate the liberties
that SCOTUS says we’ve got
it appears they’ve all been bought
and before their terms are over
they’ll resurrect Dred Scott.

Watermelon, hot wings
we’ve even added new things,
like smash & grab lootings
and frequent, random shootings.

Some Republicans want to break away
to form a less perfect union
can you form a successful nation
based on the politics of illusion?

There used to be parades
I’m told, that featured local
things, like firefighting brigades
I guess we’re just to fractured now,
to sashay in such displays.

I bet those were the days.
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Sashay = proudly walk in confident display
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