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 Jul 2023 Pagan Paul
Edmund black
How I long for a world
Of magic

A craving
A desire to believe
in something,
Perhaps someone

To ignite a spark
Of something real
To feel, to hold, to love

Way beyond
My illusionary mind

Oh little midnight star ⭐️
How much I do crave
For this kind of magical world
To be mine
 Jul 2023 Pagan Paul
 Jul 2023 Pagan Paul
All night long
I peel off layers of me
thinking up poetry
with my fingers and lips

the little moon melts
and melts
purer than fire

in the morning, I am wax again
I am Frozen
- Still -
in Space

Trapped between
solid Waters
and biting Winds,

All I ever
wished for
were some Wings.
© 07/01/2022
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