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 Aug 2023 Pagan Paul
When I repost
an old poem
I feel like a con.
It easily trends
like when it begun.
Same poets read
Similar comments repeat
causing my creative force
to feel incomplete.
Lazily I write
uneasy I flow
I lost my only muse
and now my mojo!
Traveler 🧳 Tim
 Aug 2023 Pagan Paul
Edmund black
I want to be your        
favourite poem
like the one
That becomes
In your memory
That you find
Yourself constantly
Day dreaming
On cloud nine for
Your greatest escape,
A clash between
Illusion and cravings
Drifting away
As thunder striking
Stars exploding
Earth shattering
As our world align
Mouth full of us
Dripping lips
like honey
on a biscuit
Intoxicating thoughts
Drunken eyes
A word at a time
Nothing else matters
Only you and me
like Bonnie and Clyde
Your forever lasting poem
Opened gate of
A yearning desire
In a forever fleeting world
Sometimes you have to run really fast
To keep the dark from catching up with  you.
ljm - I think
I somehow can't remember writing this, but I found it on a scrap of paper - did I copy it from someone else?  I wouldn't think so, but.......
A Spicebush Swallowtail
sipping nectar all day
Summer time is here.
I had a beautiful visitor today in my butterfly garden. She's beautiful. Haiku 5, 7, 5
 Aug 2023 Pagan Paul
the sea
 Aug 2023 Pagan Paul
the sea fills me up till there is no more space for dying
thoughts turn themselves into a boundless edge
the wind tells me there is only wonder
seashells have forgotten the stories of the depth
my hands want  to rediscover their dreaming
wild birds try the geometry of the sky
and whispers they become
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