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 Jun 2019 Pagan Paul
Jayne E
When the hands of time
get lost in the rhyme
when they pull you back back
and space does crack crack
it's torment in a truckloads ride
with fraught mind nowhere to hide

it's the real life boogey man
showing you just how he can
take you down down in one blink
then sleep is here & on the brink
of hell you teeter totter pirouette
the curtains shut the scene is set

back back you hurl back in time
to the darkest days & the darker nights
it's the ice cream truck that never comes
it's the cold blades glint as warm blood runs
it's the sun shining just over there
it's the monster creeping ever near

when the sun won't rise fast enough
his smooth skin hands bring the rough
and the dance won't stop only the clock
frozen in time backwards tock tick tock
it's the sickening taste of copper & dirt
& knife slices are the least of the hurt

when the scars dont heal just remain
it's the constant bleed the lingering pain
of a child's heart broken & left to rot
it's never enough & its an awful lot
see the world dissovle see trust rust
feed the need inside the want the must
try to grasp on tight a filament of hope
or contemplate swinging rough rope

it's these lines bleeding all over the place
searching seeking a familiar warm face
is it giving in or is it reaching out
or just more my sickened pen to spout
even after he's long & cold in earth deep
it's the knowing I am his forever to keep
my stolen child my innocence my hope
the faint scars left in skin of rough hewn rope.

J.C. 05/06/2019.
Ok so apologies for the 'darker' writes recently, its just how it is when past atrocities rear their ugly head, and thr monster comes creeping into your dreams/nightmares.
 Jun 2019 Pagan Paul
 Jun 2019 Pagan Paul
She felt the magic of spring as she sees the blossoms smile with glee
And as the lovely sights yielded her with supreme delight
poetry lines seep from the deepest part of her heart
The sky a shade of eternally

Dark violent violet

Lit up faintly by a mysterious

Source of white light

Tumbling in the ominous clouds

Guarded by two crimson stone

Simians of Truth and Lies

The Gate to the Everlasting

Is not one you could just

Walk through with a riddle or two

But, Yvagn only seeks for a relic

The Coin of Truth

And thus

The Simians opened their eyes

And turned to their side

Facing one another they spoke

The simplest truth:

“It dies and all will live

It lives and all will die

Without it

There are no live and die

With it

Eternity is a lie”

So it was asked

Yvagn gave the answer

In an instant

And a coin descended

Into her palms

As the Simians spoke

One last time:

“There are two sides to a coin

If I give you the truth

You will also carry the lies

So, take this coin of one side

And never ponder what it hides

For upright is the truth

But a void beneath it lies

If you turn to the lies

Never again will you find

The coin of truth

The coin of one side
I'm still on whether or not to post another much longer narrative poem I wrote a few days ago.
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