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  Oct 2018 Candice
empty seas
I want a soft kind of love
holding hands while
taking walks in the park
learning different bird songs
just to point them out

I want a friendly kind of love
being able to talk to friends
and go to social events
without capitalizing all of each other's

I want a warm kind of love
compassion bleeding through every action
cuddles and warm cocoa
and helping each other when we're down
no hopelessness around

I want an aware kind of love
knowing when to take things slow
and that it's okay to not want to do things
no more closed doors to other people
just when it doesn't hurt

I want real love
love that doesn't hurt
love that isn't lust
love that makes you feel nice
love that is not all-consuming
love that helps you

love that is love
love doesn't have to be fast and secret and rough
it can be kind and soft
you just have to find the right one
Candice Aug 2018
“If only you knew how my thoughts were performing a graceful dance in my head on the topic of you while at the same time fighting a battle over you. I am torn between loving you and not feeling like enough for you.” -Candice

© 2018
Candice Jul 2018
“And in that moment she was star struck. She looked with ocean eyes to a man with a crystal heart. She knew she could never have this man, for the stars did not align. Shooting stars tingle in the hearts of these lovers, yet meteorites crash inside of their brains.”

© 2018

— The End —