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 Nov 2016 Olivia L
Hurt Me
 Nov 2016 Olivia L
I'm hurt incredibly
Permanent ink on my skin
your sins won't easily
be forgotten because you
injured me and I left
you because I knew
something was wrong and
twelve months later I'm
finally discovering what
exactly that was

You loved me but I know
you never loved him;
I know he bored beneath your skin
and made a home in the warmth
because he has none for himself

He told you to push me away and
though I couldn't hear his words
I saw the effect they had on you

I hate you for ******* him when I
was still loving you, taking advantage of
the distance to fulfill the wants of the body
while milking me for the needs of the heart

You hurt me and
I want to hurt you

You're too fragile for that
 Aug 2016 Olivia L
 Aug 2016 Olivia L
Tag my posts with LGBT
so you know I'm gay,
but if you knew me better you'd
know it anyway
feeling lowkey marginalized
 May 2016 Olivia L
Hold On
 May 2016 Olivia L
Spent my afternoon musing over
a yearbook with my friends,
laughing about how we all
hate the same people

Ignoring how this love will
fade once we've all moved away
since the summer is nearly upon us
and loneliness will take hold
You told me
life would be like
*** and champagne
you were dead wrong
I do not take pleasure in anything I do,
and I don't feel the frisky fuzz of a hot situation.
You lied.
This is dull and dead
 May 2016 Olivia L
You can't call my bluff
Time to back up, ********

I've escaped the ties of those around me
and living free has taught me to love
myself and never feel shame for living

but when tricky broads and mindless
dogs try to stick labels on me, provoke me
to fight, a fist around my neck looks a
lot like an invitation, so I shut them down
and ignore the thunder in my brain

I remind them they know nothing about me,
I am self-assured, unassailable, and I can learn
from people terrified enough of new things that they'd
come and attack me, and they're scared that I know
what's in their head
 May 2016 Olivia L
 May 2016 Olivia L
Selling your tears as a parfume
21:18 - 23 ott 2011

kiss me like a stranger
18:44 - 24 ott 2011

I'm the queen of the lambs
18:57 - 24 ott 2011

i'm made of rotten sugar
16:49 - 27 ott 2011

I hate you
17:18 - 7 nov 2011

Loneliness and other stuff like this
22:15 - 7 nov 2011

spiders > people
14:47 - 13 nov 2011

Too weird to have friends
19:47 - 14 nov 2011

19:25 - 15 nov 2011

I was Mary's little lamb in front of the slaughter
19:45 - 28 nov 2011

Please send me your dead roses&broken; keys, I collect them
19:30 - 12 dic 2011

So maybe you could **** me off in one of your songs?*
21:01 - 12 dic 2011
doing my cyber exorcism
 May 2016 Olivia L
I'm thorbing,hard
She's soaking wet
Intertwined arms a scared
Lest we forget

The sweat in sheets
Lovers spent bed
Pleasantly purchase each
Memory in head

It costs,but time
And a little fluid
After I drink my wine
Room is humid
 May 2016 Olivia L
Long Road
 May 2016 Olivia L
I told my friend that
you're the past

Because you're everything
aging and terrible and ashy
about years gone by

I've got a million other names for
you like cowardly, disloyal,

But speaking to you would be a
manner of giving in, going after your
lure, and I knew you as a man of strength
and honesty

And you were, once upon a time,
So what happened?
 May 2016 Olivia L
 May 2016 Olivia L
If my sin destroyed your
fragile covenant then maybe
it should've disintegrated already
to a devil & his ****
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