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M/Oregon    “Process is the language of progress.” — Audrey Lorde
62/M/Traverse City Mi.    Photo of my family Banshee, Wicca and Lilly, we hunt and forage the northern forests. Try to keep up with us if you can… I …
Lu Wilson
F/Utah    Rediscovering my love for writing.
Veritia Venandi
F    A parenthesis in eternity,trying to extend the realms of existence every passing moment through the language of words...! Peace be with you all! :)
You've Been Timetabled
The Exclusion Zone    Reposts of great work from HP writers, so they can be spotlighted and not lost. Inspired by ScriptedReposts. And dedicated to all the reposters on …
Thomas W Case
56/M/Clear Lake My book, Seedy Town Blues is on Amazon
Carlo C Gomez
54/M/The Exclusion Zone    Married to Mrs. Timetable. Surreal picture by Justin Peters. New book "Exiled to Dusk" available here:
Anthony Pierre
42/M/A Sandy Beach   
21/F    Logophile :)
Wise Makafui Afun
M    A lover and writer of poems; an artist and an umpteen being discovered by the rising and setting of the sun. Check out some of …
Wandering and wondering, around and about.
120/M/Nigeria    Love art,that's fact from poetry to pottery whether stretching or sketching be it painting or printing Not short not Tall Nor big or small proudly …
17/F/India    “I am not one and simple, but complex and many.” ― Virginia Woolf
Melancholy of Innocence
Planet Earth    Philo-poetic fable of love. Its our journey into self-discovery about true meaning of love. Poems of LOVE for Z Facebook: melancholy.innocence Twitter: melanofinnocent Instagram: melanofinnocent
Maria Mitea
If I do not strive who will?!
David P Carroll
M/Ireland    David P Carroll Poems All Poetry is copyrighted to David P Carroll under a Dublin and European Union court of law. Was on TV …
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