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  Jan 2015 NuurSeraph
you once were magnificent,
standing strong and tall,
looking out over,
your world,
with quiet serenity.

i see this now,
in the lines of grey,
that sit upon your visage,
worn to a soft velvet skin,
by the years of
going out and coming...

i see the marks your children left,
when they were taken.
i see the patches
of hurt from when you
were forsaken and
given to others,
for purposes,
not natural to you.

and in your heart....
i see the willingness
to try to begin anew,
to be reshaped, resolved
into something of use...

i see the years of
casual abuse,
of scrapes and distress
your heart being lost
in the multitude
of words spoken,
around you,
but never to you.


i see much, in you,
in your fine grain,
the salt of many trips,
in the rough edges,
sand from many seas
and in the knotted places,
the homes of those vagabonds,
you did freight for free....

and there worn away almost
by wave and time...
the face of your former keeper
still smiling....
frozen in place.....
forever lost...
but remembering
you were once magnificent
  Jan 2015 NuurSeraph
so close I know nothing
but a sacred silence
  Jan 2015 NuurSeraph
Seán Mac Falls
I have seen her playing
With light, edging her hair,
In crescents so fair.

I have watched her fingers
Twirl and twine, beaming gold,
Threshing precious hold.

I have witnessed the taming
Of the sun's rays, captured,
Spinning in rapture.

And I feel for the pale moon
Who offers his frail, vestige light,
While she sleeps at night.
  Jan 2015 NuurSeraph
jeffrey robin
^  ^  ^
)(      O      )(
(         --         )
0   =  0

Your glory fills the world
( protector of the weary and the weak )


The long walk in the rain
The ancient obligation

We emerge as merely

Simple MAN

I live
Within the shelter of love itself


Come with me

We will hold on !

We shall not drown

Or let to drown


We shall only know all to be known


Protector of the weary and the weak

Until there are none weak and weary any more
  Jan 2015 NuurSeraph
jeffrey robin
/    \


                                             We are free to love


The child " reads "
The clear blue sky

" sees " god

In the eye of every stranger


The freshness of the wind

The girl is sitting underneath the Tree


( merging into heaven )


They meet and all is understood


They are Home

It is THEIRS !


( They do not OWN IT
but it is is theirs )

The world gains life
Just because they breathe



so natural

There they are
( always )

You can see them if you want

You can walk besides them
If you are going their way
  Jan 2015 NuurSeraph
I met her on the road
Exhausted just like me.
I asked her why she's walking
She told me she is free.

I told her I'm a pilgrim.
She warned me, don't forget,
You may be tired of walking,
But your end is 'lejos' yet.

I told her Santiago
Was now my Xanadu.
She laughed and said the Khan awaits.
I laughed and said I knew.

I've seen his horse on hills afar,
He canters while I walk
And Kublai champs his teeth and shouts
His sword spits while we talk.

He wears the forest as a cloak
And chains the wind as breath.
I see him chase me further on
He tracks me to my death.

I asked her where she's going.
To Santiago too,
But I don't seek the spires and peaks
I'm hunting one like you.

He's running as his boots get worn
And I champ my teeth and shout.
He's keeping eyes out to the hills
While my sword point seeks him out.

Her deep black eyes and strong disguise
Bled from her and she stood.
Kublai Khan afore me spoke.
I ran but 'twas no good

She spoke out strong and in a blur,
'You are not my prey.
For many men along the road
Flee demons every day.'

And she roared and drew her breath,
The wind took up her gait.
She took the time to smile before
Her horse flew fast and straight.

I watched her go, still for so long,
The road behind ignored.
I heard the wind blow on before
I turned and saw He roared.

The hill was crowned with forest
Drawn around his back.
He spurred his horse on and the steed
Cantered down the track.

I turned and walked, slow and calm
For I am used to demons.
Though on the road I keep him towed.
The Khan is still the freeman.
Demons hunt for all of us, they may be faster than we think. (Metaphorical demons)
  Jan 2015 NuurSeraph
everything I see
is not always harmony
is off key
at times
I guess he may judge me
an idiot or be a true savior

and see me as a human creation with weaknesses
partly his fault and he gave to me dark to
highlight my strengths.
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