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Nov 2018 · 347
Cherish it forever
Nova Boyana Nov 2018
The sweetness never lasts
so cherish it and keep its memory
forever in your mind
Randomly said this to a friend and well< here it is
Nov 2018 · 348
Broken World
Nova Boyana Nov 2018
Broken World
Oh! Broken world
siNg me to s1eep Tonight
Tell me story
please speak true
Tell me story of me and of you
Crown my face
With rose tinted Glass3s
fOR I AM your chilD
i am your
Keep me living through thick and thin
In this sweet sweet lullaby
Oh broken world
Oh so perfect world
Sing me to sleep tonight
Another refined string of texts from a mental breakdown **
The way its written, broken and gramatically incorrect, is purposeful!
Nov 2018 · 209
Circle of Love
Nova Boyana Nov 2018
In the beggining,
the flower grows and blooms into beauty unmatched and unrivalled by even the greatest of sights.
It matures and the flowers are so incredible it holds awe from all around.
However it slowly dies.
Leaf, by leaf.

Until there is nothing left.
That is love.
sung by the birds,
whispered in the breeze,
spoken by my words.
But, of course,
never trust a poets words,
harmonious but sharp like knifes edge.
They look so pretty but cut so deep,
like a razorblade into skin,
as the blood dances in the light,
trickling  into a river.
This. Is. Love.
Not your rom com fantasy.
Not your daydream.

Sweet and true,
the gentle curse...

It ends and starts again:
The Circle Of Love
This is the cluster of texts i sent to my friend during a bit of a mental breakdown. I decided to use it as my first poem on here as I enjoy it when put together like this

— The End —