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Nicolette Mar 2022
Six feet under
I still hear you say my name
Six feet under
It feels as though nothing has changed

I shall sit above you
just as I sat at your side
And tell you, "I love you"
Like I did the morning you died

In heaven whilst I am awake
But with me while I dream;
You lay dead during the day
But are resurrected when I sleep

Now to reality
I am enslaved
For when they buried you,
They put my heart in a grave
Nicolette Mar 2022
paper walls
and a cardboard floor
inside I crawl
and close the door

fixing my gaze
on a memory
of better days
just my box and me
Nicolette Apr 2021
a baby bird
fallen from the nest
blood, like honey,
dripping from its breast

there it lays with broken wing
and muddied face
as a heart's broken
and a dream's unlaced

it may not fly yet,
and dirt-caked wounds
take time, but watch
it will rise up soon
Nicolette Mar 2021
why do we become a little less human
when we aren't like the other humans around us?
Nicolette Feb 2021
I am black
I am white
am I still
human despite

the color
of my skin?
is there still
a heart within?

if I am black
am I a queen?
do you owe
an apology?

if I am white
am I racist?
walking around
with social graces

or is worth determined
not by genes,
not by skin,
but something underneath?
Nicolette Dec 2020
Oh Keeper of the Night,
You are but a mystery
To one twilight smile upon us
and then the next not to be seen

Oh Mother of Light
to wane but never disappear
Giving us great comfort
Saying you are always there

Stars drip from your eyes
tears like crystals fall
even through your pain
you leave me here struck with awe

That through the sorrow
You give us a light
to dim while we sleep
to guide us through the night

Oh Lover of the dreamers
I long to bask in your rays
to calm my aching heart
to leave me in a daze

Oh your gentle curves
and sweet, pale complexion
Each crater and mount,
designed with perfection

Ages will pass
With different times and stories
but no matter the time or place
no man can escape your glory
Nicolette Dec 2020
air is growing thin
as I float off the ground
the dreamers finally awake
now nothing holds me down

wandering into space
passing the atmosphere
seems my perspective
is too cavalier

running out of oxygen,
breathing goes slow
my dewy eyes reflect the stars,
like a canvas of Van Gogh's

I hear vibrations
this is my castle past the sky
where no-one asks how,
and I never wonder why

my body grows numb
as I float past stars
through my veins,
flows my liquid heart

peace like a wave
rushes over me
laying on this cosmic foam
it gets hard to breathe

I shed a tear
and then another arose
soon I was surrounded with these crystals
as each drop froze

with no gravity,
my walls collapsed
loosing all feeling,
I couldn't react

a syrupy smile spread
across my softened face
so do not be concerned
if you see a girl floating in space
would you join me? or would you rather stay grounded on Earth? why? tell me in the comments
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