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The girl she stood upon the stage
amongst the rainbow glow
and sang with power raw and wild
a passion all her own.
She sang of youth and politics
and of the poor man's plight
but as she sang the crowd talked on
ignoring her, despite
the fact they'd paid good money
to hear music here tonight.
They waffled on ' bout nothing much
the weather and such like
while all the while she sang her heart out through her lonely mic.

Guitar strings thrashed, her voice it soared
as though her life depended
on bleeding out her heart and soul before the night had ended
with the crowd engaged in other things
their selfies, blogs and texts
she left the stage with happy thanks
and introduced the next.
 Apr 2014 Michael Amery
 Apr 2014 Michael Amery
so cold, so empty,
like a robot, so mechanical, so shiny.
our relationship feels cold,
we're slowly getting old.
we lack adventure and have fallen into a routine,
what happened to our fairy tale dream?
our gears of love are rusting,
becoming crusty.
we are mute with no feeling,
we are no longer dreaming.
we are restrained by responsibility,
never exceeding the possibilities.

i stare and see now,
i look up to the clouds.
i dream now,
this is something i cannot allow.
i break the mechanical chains,
dancing in the rain.
rust slide off my body and face,
there you are with that robotic face.
i cry, tears mixing in the rain,
your soul ever so plain.
a robot to the core,
i can no longer call you mine anymore.
what do you guys think?
Questa canzone è su di te*

To you
Mother Courage
I extend a cigarette
of shy anticipation
I want you to ****** me
to implement your closure
on the monotone
Duet For One
Raid my loneliness
in a hotel on Naked Street
Walk The Proud Land
of maple leaf melancholy
as you would the violated daughter
of New York Confidential
I'll diffuse the wind
of my depression
for your mourning candle
and undo the changing of
your name
No longer need you be
The Girl In Black Stockings
unless of course you want to be
Yes I want you to ****** me
but not to bear the burden
of a Miracle Worker
steady as you've been
on that unenviable pedestal
In the dictum of my
infinite malaise you define
The Last Frontier
Let me light your cigarette
with which you would illuminate
the fog of my unbridled
Silent Movie
03 22 14
Olive branches smother and dismember
in the mud giggling in time
with the squish emanating from
my alternating huff and puff

I trudge in Winter's sweat of
schizophrenic rain
My old defence, sheepish stolidity,
got tweaked in a twist-up
tight as a candy cane
with a modest gasp
of underground success

That shadowy hush of acknowledgement
ballooned in my ear like a blow fish
amplifying the environmental inertia
that never made me happier
nor this sad

I may have been mad
walking from informed opinions
like a failed Orpheus
but defence shouted in silence
and I returned home
to the unconditional support
of a pet art

Acknowledgement's shadowy hush
tore a blister trail down my back
The ointment of Winter will soothe and
release me before billing me
with a scar and littering in the recycle bin
of who I want to be

Today I wanted to be accepted
Night has arrived with reinforced snowflakes
and the chill on my hot back
has me wondering if I would rather be feared
03 29 14
Could you love me
if I let you
If I dropped my guard
at your feet once more
would you hand it back
or stand triumphant in it's wreckage.
If I offered myself to you
Would we litter the floor with our rags
hastily unwrapping eachother
with the delight of Christmas morning
discarding sweaters and shame
caution lost to the biting winds
that have always whispered our names
as our lovers slept unknowing
that we were never truly theirs.
Would you lay me down before you
Stretched out and yearning
and marvel at how your touch
has brought me back to life
while our kisses bring warmth
to hidden places
would you press your soul deeply into mine
while our bodies merge and meld
as fate intended
the weight of you a boundless comfort never felt
All I have ever wanted, in every aching moment
Is this.
The world is bathed with orange glow
sweet dreamers weave their way
as darkness wraps it's heavy shroud
around the close of day
While weary bones seek welcome rest
and lovers play their game
I'll linger here and dream of you
My sweetest secret shame.
In the vociferous world, silence takes a backseat
Loud pompous etiquette takes the centre stage
Words, weighed with utter *******
Seems to find a very patient hearing from every circle
It’s a domino effect, where one by one falls in line
Lines so wobbly, as the words have very little shelf life
People mesmerized by the pomp and the fragility
Silence is just a silent spectator,
Watching the whole world participating in dissemination
Of the hollowed idioms and phrases
But silence is strong enough to hold its ground
Having a quiet laugh and waiting for redemption
Till that time, the power of silence is acquired by few

© Amitav (Radiance)
at their best, there is gentleness in Humanity.
some understanding and, at times, acts of
but all in all it is a mass, a glob that doesn't
have too much.
it is like a large animal deep in sleep and
almost nothing can awaken it.
when activated it's best at brutality,
selfishness, unjust judgments, ******.
what can we do with it, this Humanity?
avoid the thing as much as possible.
treat it as you would anything poisonous, vicious
and mindless.
but be careful. it has enacted laws to protect
itself from you.
it can **** you without cause.
and to escape it you must be subtle.
few escape.
it's up to you to figure a plan.
I have met nobody who has escaped.
I have met some of the great and
famous but they have not escaped
for they are only great and famous within
I have not escaped
but I have not failed in trying again and
before my death I hope to obtain my
from blank gun silencer - 1994
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